I get 15 new spam members every day!

uniclueuniclue New
edited June 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Is there a way to stop this?
I have enabled "Vanilla AntiSpam" I have installed a facebook api, googleID and openID. But still users dont have to confirm they are real people, How can I fix this?


  • I'm having a similar problem. People can post without being authenticated. No spam so far though.
  • same here, no spam. only a bunch of new users
  • This is my personal opinion, if I am going to use Facebook, Twitter, GoogleID, and OpenID, to sign up or log-in, to your website, than I would not want to have to type in Captcha. To me that would be over kill, however if I am creating an account not using any of them, than I can somewhat see the point, of using Captcha to show that I am a person.

    When you sign up at the one of these websites Facebook, Twitter, GoogleID, and OpenID you have to type in Captcha or validate your e-mail address or both.

    If people are just signing up, but not spamming, than I really do not see an issue, they may want to clam his/her name so latter then can just log-in and comment, or start a discussion.

    Good Luck.
  • hyphyhyphy New
    edited June 2011
    same here, no spam. only a bunch of new users
    Why are you calling them spam users then? They are simply just users if they haven't posted any spam messages.

    I've never seen any website that integrates Facebook/Twitter/Google/OpenID/etc. login to then further authenticate a user with the use of a Captcha system or any other human verification system. Like @AFN stated, it would be overkill. Signing up for most of the above services require a form of verification themselves.
  • i have the same issue, very hard to manage users when i have hundreds if not thousands of spam users.
  • ehmm they are in fact messing up my memberlists. Some from russia and some from bigdick@tryviagra.com
  • I disabled email only signup.
  • There is still 40 new members i know are "spam" somtimes they post wierd posts on my forum to. I have the basic settings (register)
    "Basic - New users fill out a simple form and are granted access immediately."
    With a private and public "Captcha" key. But they still run down my forums. :( HELP
  • What is your URL, that way we can see if it is happening on our forums too.
  • AoleeAolee ✭✭
    i have a problem too with spam members, temp fix i did is to block the ip via htaccess
  • lucluc ✭✭
    There's the StopForumSpam plugin.
  • @luc Where? I can't find it.
  • LincLinc Admin
    edited July 2011
    I use the Application registration method and manually approve every new user on NewBuddhist.com. It's the only fool-proof way I know of so far.
  • lucluc ✭✭
    In the github addon repo, it might need vanilla 2.0.18 beta as it's not uploaded on the addon site.
  • Yeah, I get like 100 spam users every day. One of the reasons why I switched from MyBB is because fo the spam. But it's also happening on my Vanilla forums.

  • LincLinc Admin
    Big improvement to this is coming in 2.0.18 I believe.
  • sounds great! :)
  • some problem, im use basic settings without captcha for register
    captcha dont help, only make truble for real users
    bots write only in activity page, many spam links
    delete one be ony through phpmyadmin mysql
  • edited August 2011
    Well, I just hacked a hard-coded check as all my spammers are Russian. You could easily swap this for a URL RegExp as well. Not pretty, but I'm not aware of a Garden API guide, so this will have to do for now:
    • file: applications/dashboard/controllers/class.entrycontroller.php
    • method: RegisterApproval
    • technique: add this code inside the if() statement
    // brute-force fail if russian text detected
    $values = $this->Form->FormValues();
    if(preg_match('/[Пикльныефы]/', $values['DiscoveryText']))
  • Ahahhhh...! The irony :)
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