Well it's not "dead", but it was written way back before Mark made a bunch of changes to the vanilla theme system, and it was never updated. Now, I don't think it's even in the latest revisions.
This is a style I was working on partially inspired by minivanilli. I gave up trying to get the field headers at the top of the grid, but I am sure it can be done. Its pure CSS, and is as seen on vanilladev.
is the mini vanilla theme in the works? i would love to have a theme without the side bar. i like how simple it looks and it would flow really well with my site and would load great on a Pocket PC
Ofcourse there are themes being developed for Vanilla 1... They just haven't been released
Here's mine (yes, another WoW forum... but that's the only thing I need forum software for :P) The Raid Planner page is a whole new application build on the Vanilla Framework.
acctman, in the svn repository there's an extension called 'Panelhider'. I've not tried it but I assume it toggles the display of the whole side panel.
Over here we'll be using Vanilla for our forum when we go live (or a more public beta). Just waiting for 1.0 to roll out and customize to look like the rest of our app/site.
I gave up trying to get the field headers at the top of the grid, but I am sure it can be done. Its pure CSS, and is as seen on vanilladev.
Haven't finished it yet, there is a bug in IE that I am working on. It looks better than that old screenshot now.
To use it, click on the account tab, click on change stylesheet, then put in the custom style field and click on the button.
Here's mine (yes, another WoW forum... but that's the only thing I need forum software for :P)
The Raid Planner page is a whole new application build on the Vanilla Framework.
theme, I'm working on. will eventually release it with numerous colour schemes.