'Must Have' plugins

MrAnchovyMrAnchovy New
edited November 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
I am new to Vanilla (I did have a look at V1 a while back but it was not mature enough for my needs - a lot has changed now!) so I'd like to know what are the 'must have' plugins to make a forum really fly.

I already have
  • Voting
  • QnA
  • ButtonBar
... and I have just seen ProfileExtender which if it does what it says on the tin is another one - anything else?


  • ToddTodd Vanilla Staff
    Here are some other good ones.
    • Stop Forum Spam
    • Facebook and Twitter are included in core and are great.
    • Quotes and Signatures replicate some traditional forum functionality that a lot of people like.
    • Sitemaps will help your site get crawled if you have a lot of content.
    • Who's Online is quite popular
  • Emocss is ok too :)

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited November 2011
    I have just seen ProfileExtender which if it does what it says on the tin is another one
    Well if it doesn't be sure to let me know. ;)

    My list: ButtonBar, Flagging, Gravatar (with Vanillicons enabled), IndexPhotos, ParticipatedDiscussions, ProfileExtender, Stop Forum Spam, RoleTitle. I also roll my own version of Emotify (different emoticons).
  • How do you customize the emoticons in Emotify?
  • I just created my own version, basically. Edited the code directly to do my own symbol/image replacement pairs.
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