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Option css not working in vanilla 2.0.18b4

edited November 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8
Hi all,

I have upgraded my vanilla forum from to 2.0.18b4, but css for option menu in All Discussion page is not working. It displaying all menu as the page is loaded.

Thanks in advance


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    LincLinc Detroit Admin
    Do you have customized views in your theme? I bet a class got changed and needs to be updated.
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    ToddTodd Chief Product Officer Vanilla Staff
    Also, if there is a bug in 2.0.18b4 it may be fixed in the final release 2.0.18 so you should update to the release version.
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    Do you have customized views in your theme? I bet a class got changed and needs to be updated.
    No I don't have the customized views in my theme. But yes i have included header and footer. php file in default.master.php file.
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    I have removed the header.php and footer.php file from default template but the problem still exist. Need help friends because my project is stacked b'coz of this.
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    LincLinc Detroit Admin
    First, upgrade to as Todd suggested. Several bugs were fixed since then.

    Second, did you copy the entire style.css into your theme? You may need to copy over some style changes.
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