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When will IP.Board support be added to Vanilla Porter?
I read you guys were working on it in this thread, but I haven't seen any updates since March.
Any news?
Generally, we write new importers when commissioned by a client to do so. The porter is open source and modular, so anyone can contribute one. Those are probably the only ways it's going to be done short-term.
I see. Well, hopefully somebody will work on one soon. I'd like to move my technology forum over to Vanilla but without something direct (like not converting to vB or phpBB and then to Vanilla) I'm going to have to keep paying $100 each month for the stuff I use.
Out of curiosity, what's the commission to add phpbb attachments to the importer?
You can email for quotes on any Vanilla-related projects.
...or I could pay closer attention to pull requests and see someone ALREADY added phpBB attachment support and I just suck at pulling & testing. I am ashamed.
So you asked the question "when will an IP.Board exporter be written?" To which Lincoln replied "when commissioned by a client to do so."
This may not be the answer you wanted, but it is an acceptable answer and it's flat out unfair to reject it. It's also a little insulting for you to expect us to write an exporter for you for free so that you can stop paying IP.Board $100 a month.
This reflects a fundamental, although common misunderstanding of open source software.