Problem with «Invited by» line in «About» section of profile page

edited December 2011 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

When I use link without number ( to open a profile page, in «About» section displays:
... Invited by user1 Posts 42

But if I use link with number (, then I see only one line:
... Invited by Posts 42

The also problem occurs with disabled plugins (IPTracking, Post Count) and a standard theme. If I'm not mistaken, I need a file theme/[my_theme]/views/modules/userinfo.php, but I can't find the error. This is my userinfo.php:

Thank you and sorry my bad english, please.



  • x00x00 MVP
    edited December 2011
       public function UserQuery($SafeData = FALSE) {
          if ($SafeData) {
             $this->SQL->Select('u.UserID, u.Name, u.Photo, u.About, u.Gender, u.CountVisits, u.InviteUserID, u.DateFirstVisit, u.DateLastActive, u.DateInserted, u.DateUpdated, u.Score, u.Admin, u.Deleted, u.CountDiscussions, u.CountComments');
          } else {
          $this->SQL->Select('i.Name', '', 'InviteName')
             ->From('User u')
             ->Join('User as i', 'u.InviteUserID = i.UserID', 'left');

    You can see here it only ask for the InviteName in the left join, and that function works off an ID.

    grep is your friend.

  • sorry ignore that

    grep is your friend.

  • Should I create an issue on GitHub about it?

  • yep

    grep is your friend.

  • I set my vanilla registration method to "invitation" and noticed the same problem too. Hope there will be a fix for this.

  • PamelaPamela ✭✭

    +1 :-( noticed also it

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