Error while setting user roles
I am running Vanilla on a Windows 2003 server. I have a few users that have problems receiving emails from our ISP and I would like to confirm their membership manually. When I go to the Dashboard, Users, I select the user, check the Member role and uncheck the Confirm email one. When I try to save, I get the following error message:
Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'Banned' at row 1|Gdn_Database|Query|update GDN_User User set Email = :Email, Name = :Name, ShowEmail = :ShowEmail, DateUpdated = :DateUpdated, UpdateIPAddress = :UpdateIPAddress, Banned = :Banned where UserID = :UserID
Any suggestions?
Has this bug been fixed? I get the same error on a new install on version
@GaryFunk - most of the time you can verify yourself without asking question on forum. looks like there is a solution - but no milestone was met.
go to the github issues. I'll leave the searching for you next time.
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