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Russian language file for Version 1

edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm making the translation for the Vanilla version 1 and have some questions... 1. What means "sink" under the following context in the language file? $Context->Dictionary['PERMISSION_SINK_DISCUSSIONS'] = 'Sink discussions'; $Context->Dictionary['MakeThisDiscussionSink'] = 'Sink this discussion'; $Context->Dictionary['MakeThisDiscussionUnSink'] = 'Unsink this discussion'; $Context->Dictionary['ConfirmUnSink'] = 'Are you sure you want to unsink this discussion?'; $Context->Dictionary['ConfirmSink'] = 'Are you sure you want to sink this discussion?'; $Context->Dictionary['ErrPermissionSinkDiscussions'] = 'You do not have permission to sink discussions'; 2. What this "sink" is used for in the forum?


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    detailed discussion here, but it basically means that new posts to the thread in question will no longer bring it back to the top of the list.
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    also, in case you're looking for a literal meaning for translating purposes, many of the meanings here are accurate for describing this behavior.

    To descend to the bottom; submerge.
    To cause to drop or lower.
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    Now I understand! Thank you jsanders! ;)
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    edited April 2006
    So, I'm ready with the translation. :) It can be downloaded here: I ask all russian-speaking users of Vanilla to test it out for mistakes. If you find some mistakes email me at "dima at" or write here. ;) I will now also test it for bugs.
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    edited April 2006
    There is a bug with this definition in the language file: $Context->Dictionary['PageDetailsMessageFull'] = '//1 to //2 of //3'; in Russian I have to add a word before //1 and then this translation doesn't appear. Instead of this appears the equivalent of this: $Context->Dictionary['NoDiscussionsFound'] = 'No discussions found'; some ideas?
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited April 2006
    That's not a bug.

    If there are no discussions in your db, then it will use the "NoDiscussionsFound" definition. If there *are* discussions in your db, then it will use the PageDetailsMessagFull definition.

    If you want to add a word before the //1, you can do it like this:

    $Context->Dictionary['PageDetailsMessageFull'] = 'blah //1 blah blah blah //2 blah //3';

    Hell. For that matter, you could move the numbers completely around:

    $Context->Dictionary['PageDetailsMessageFull'] = 'I was hungry, so I hate //2, Sam was a pig and he ate //3, and Sally had //1. We was full, yo!!';
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    Hi Mark, you don't understand me! There are (!!!) discussions in my bd, but Vanilla shows me the message, that stands under "NoDiscussionsFound". This happens only if I add something before the //1 in "PageDetailsMessageFull". If I make the word before //1 away, it shows the correct "PageDetailsMessageFull" and not (!!!!!!) "NoDiscussionsFound". see here (there are discussions!): The language file is defined so: $Context->Dictionary['PageDetailsMessageFull'] = 'from //1 to //2 of //3'; but the forum shows instead of this: $Context->Dictionary['NoDiscussionsFound'] = 'No discussions found'; If I make the word "from" away of 'PageDetailsMessageFull' it works in the right way... It happens at my forum in both, english and russian language files.
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    Interesting bug...
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    I hope Mark will find a solution :)
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited April 2006
    I'm finally on the same page as you.. gimme a few minutes to think about this one...
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    MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Okay, it's fixed. Get the latest svn and it will work :)
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    Yeah! It works! :))))))))))
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    ToivoToivo New
    edited June 2006
    so its cyrillic coding but my browser switches for unicode for every dirrefent page & link. could it be set somehow that when russian in switched [on] encoding would be cyrillic. I guess it should be written into extension uzi ... different css for [rus] language, if somebody switches between english and russian ... shoudnt encoding be in the "settings.php". ... it is somewhere ... what about japanese or chinese translation. :P
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    edited July 2006
    Yeah, i have same problem too. Language pack seems to be in Windows-1251, whereas Vanilla 1 is written in UTF-8. So when i choose russian in Vanilla language menu i just recieve a bunch of hieroglyphs. :(
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    Is there a solution to get the russian language characters? (or any apart from Latin based?)
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    ToivoToivo New
    edited August 2006
    has vanilla 1.01 solved this problem? mark, anyone? or is it just the language pack that needs some changes ...
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    ToivoToivo New
    edited August 2006
    the latest language pack says: Windows-1251 encoding. As advised by uzi, be sure to include the following expression to the settings.php in conf folder: $Configuration['CHARSET'] = 'Windows-1251'; but when I want to use "choose language" extension and make it possible to switch from russian to english for users?? vanilla english is UTF-8?
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    Max_BMax_B New
    edited August 2006
    I did not tested, yet, on this particular file, but IMO, the right way is to swich to utf-8 everywhere.
    Transcode the russian file to utf-8, using an editor able to do this, and modify the $Configuration['CHARSET'] accordingly.

    Edit: tested, it works. And, BTW, if your server filesystem is utf-8 capable, you can name the directory in native spelling and it'll show correctly in selects :
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    ToivoToivo New
    edited August 2006
    I guess notepad "save as" will be sufficient. "And, BTW, if your server filesystem is utf-8 capable, you can name the directory in native spelling and it'll show correctly in selects" I dont follow you here ... That drop-down list will also show the correct characters ? What theme is it that you took the screenshot? I have to play with it.
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    Max_BMax_B New
    edited August 2006
    This is the standard Vanilla theme. I just renamed French and Russian folders to there native spelling.
    All the install must be utf-8 clean.
    Anyway, if you are on Win, you should probably forget it. Filesystem able to cope with utf-8 are of Linux and Mac brands.
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