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Move discussion to another categories or delete it?



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    edited April 2006
    I think all of the categories are set properly, because there are two columns in the LUM_Discussion table: phpBBtopicid and CategoryID. The category-numbers in CategoryID column are all correct. So I don't know where the problem is.

    Where have you modified the categories? In the CategoryID column or elsewhere?
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    Yes, I changed the CategoryID. It will show up in the column as 0 when it's not assigned...
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    But in my database all of CategoryIDs are not 0! They are set properly!

    Have you changed anything else?
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    I figured out that in LUM_Comment table the EditUserID-column should be NULL, but for all of the previous (converted from phpbb) Comments it is not NULL!

    Can it be the solution? How can I set the EditUserID-column for all comments = NULL?
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    I'm pretty sure all the category/discussion/comment linking should be alright in the migrator but if you guys find an issue with it (i'm intreagued by this NULL issue) then please let me know and i'll be glad to update the migrator to try and avoid any further issues.
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    So can we delete a discussion? Thanks.
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    I was going to ask that question too can we delete discussions,

    bentot that's one ugly mug ya got there lol
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    edited August 2006
    In vanilla, you Hide the discussions. If you need to delete them you can install an extension.
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    edited January 2007
    I've just tried removing a "test" discussion using SirNot's Comment Removal 2.1 extension and the result was a partial success.

    This discussion was only one comment long (the original), so if I were to "remove" that first comment, the whole discussion should be deleted right? Well, it gave me the following "error" message that seems to indicate it was successful, paused for long enough that I got bored and refreshed the page, at which time I could see it had removed the comment, but the discussion remained, only with zero comments!


    What did I do wrong?

    Edit: OK, so I'm a fool, I saw the "Delete Discussion" link in the panel menu, but that still doesn't change the strange "error".
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    I had the same problem as uzi when I moved a forum from phpbb to vanilla and found that I couldn't edit the category because the firstcommentid column in the discussions table had the phpbb post ID in it rather than the vanilla comment ID of the first post. Correcting this solved the problem. I suspect it's a minor bug in the migrator script or I did something wrong when running it!
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    errr...the migrator aught to add a new column for phpbb references..hmm...
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