What kind of themes does this community desire?

edited August 2012 in General Banter

I'm a designer and i specialize in forum designs. Vanilla is different from other traditional forum apps so i was wondering what kind of themes does this community desire? Simple or heavy? grunge or modern?



  • @pixelmonkey

    As many different themes as there are users, I'd guess.

    Are you talking about making themes to sell or to share?

    Maybe take a look at some of the most downloaded themes, then put up one of your own.

  • to sell.
    It's nice idea to look for most downloaded theme.

    I might also come up with a free theme or two....let's see

  • As a theme seller, a bit of advice. Users like sliders, image sliders predominantly.

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    As a theme seller, a bit of advice. Users like sliders, image sliders predominantly.

    Thanks for the advice mate :D

  • alovelyaialovelyai New
    edited September 2012

    I have looked at a couple of premium theme websites and have installed all, if not most of the free themes available here and I feel like it's seriously lacking. I want a clean, modern, high-quality theme and I have yet to find one that fits the bill.

    Some come close, and are very beautiful, but there is always something less attractive or glitchy. One main problem I have noticed with quite a few themes, is text overflowing on top of or under other elements. I really like the Enigma themes (they have great potential with some polishing here and there) and i would use them in a second, if the buttons on the menu bar at the top didn't run off under the search box. I don't know how to fix these issues and I shouldn't have to. I would love a theme that just works and looks good!

    I have noticed that a lot of themes look beautiful when viewing the categories page, but the discussions page or the individual discussions look like a mess comparatively. I greatly long for a beautiful, simple, clean, modern, customizable theme! Something high-quality with attention to detail paid all throughout each and every page and aspect.

    I am willing to pay for such a theme if someone creates something like that.

    Also, if anyone has any theme sites, please recommend them to me. I have been to those regularly mentioned here and they are nice, but just don't have what I am looking for.

  • KasperKasper Vanilla Staff

    @alovelyai have you taken a look at VanillaBootstrap (http://vanilla.ungdomsrod.dk)? I'm only mentioning this due to the fact that you seem to be quite observative when it comes to detail and I'm looking for some constructive criticism on my project. I think @pixelmonkey is really onto something though: I myself would like to make stuff that the community would want instead of just creating stuff in the hopes of making a quick profit (read: I don't consider profit to be evil just because I release OS).

    Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub

  • aeryaery ✭✭✭

    Nothing more but plain simple themes just like vanilla platform where features are highlighted and conversations are given more importance.

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  • i want a simple, clean, elegant, full CSS3 based theme.

  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited September 2012


    I don't know how to fix these issues and I shouldn't have to.

    Well, if you want them fixed you should learn.

    Free themes, get the idea? They are free, work done by other users for no gain, for the benefit of the community.

    Use them if you like them, don't if you don't.

    I liked the layout of Vanilla, so I downloaded it (for free) and learned how to make the changes to suit how I wanted my forum to look.

    By all means, contact premium theme sellers, and give them your detailed brief, and how much you would be willing to pay them, but don't knock the 'free' community because their themes don't meet your exacting standards.

  • yeehiyeehi New
    edited September 2012

    @pixelmonkey : Thanks for aking this question! :)

    I like Vanilla, but I find the big blocks of colour it uses to be a bit clunky. The lumps of colour around tags, for example, or number of views/replies in a thread attract too much attention and divert the reader from the main content, the text, in my opinion.

    So, I would love it if you made something where there was more sparing/judicious use of colour. If colour has to be there, I would like it to be less saturated, more kind of pastel. There must be a better way of highlighting something than just putting text against a coloured background.

    I would also like more rounded corners, for a softer feel.

  • Thanks everyone for the advices and suggestions. I'll be coming with something awesome soon.

  • Awesome, the epic pixelmonkey is making Vanilla themes, yay! :D

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