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Avatars & difficulties

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm still new to this stuff, so I hope you can help please (have done every other question I have): 1. I notice all you regular dudes have those little pictures next to your names (I think they're called avatars, but I dunno why). I note a recent discussion on an avatar uploader, but you all had them before then. So how do you do it - more to the point, how can I set up my Vanilla forum so members can do it please? (And why is that uploader useful if you could all do it before then?) 2. I use a Mac and we have 2 at home, one running OS10.3 and the other running OS10.4. The 10.4 machine puts both my new Vanilla forum and the Lussumo Community on the screen correctly. However the 10.3 machine plots the Community Forum OK, but plots mine wrongly - in any page, the posts or the lists are pushed down the page below the text in the left column. I have modified text and colours in my forum, but nothing that I would have thought would have this effect. Does anyone know please why it might do that, and which file in Vanilla I should check out? Thanks


  • 1. You can get yourself an avatar (in vanilla theyre called icons) by going onto your account page and clicking 'Personal Information'. You'll notice a textbox about 2/3 the way down titled 'icon' in which you can put either a relative path or web URL to an image which is what will be used as your icon. The avatar uploader is useful in cases where your users do not have the access/ability to put an image they wish to use on the web and therefore you can use the uploader to offer them the facility to upload an image onto your server for use as their icon.

    2. Which version of vanilla are you running, and in which browsers? If you're on the version (default download on it has completely different xhtml/css to the version this comunity is running (0.9.3 beta) which might have compatability issues with your browser which has been fixed on the updated version of the forum software (not yet on mainstream public release, will be very soon). Which OS/browser combos exactly cause issues i'm not sure as (alas) i dont have access to a mac and cant remember any specific issues. Try a different browser and see what happens.
  • Thanks, Mini, the icon thing is easy once you know how. I am running as you suspected - as a new boy I didn't want to use a beta until I understood things a bit more. I have tried 3 browsers on several different OS, both Mac & PC. My HTML code goes a bit funny on IE, but is fine for Safari & Firefox, but Vanilla only seems to be a problem on the slightly older Mac. I'm wondering whether I have enlarged a font or something somewhere and that has widened the column on the left, and that displaces the main text downwards. (This is what happens with my HTML/CSS in IE, and I can't figure out why, but I wonder if it is similar for Vanilla.) It's not too big a deal, but I wondered if I could figure out which file controls the page layout, I might be able to jigger it a little.
  • While i could probably find the controls and let you know it's probably not worth it for either of us. V1 will be out extremely soon i expect and that'l make the whole theming thing much easier so you might aswell go the whole hog and make yourself your own layout. As for not getting the beta that was probably a good choice :) lots of people have got hold of it and run into difficulties due to lack of familiarity and whatnot.

    Wondering whether anyone else can shed any light on whether its an actual mac OS issue...
  • The latest Safari (2.0.x) renders it all properly (but you knew that). I do believe it is simply an older Safari problem. There is some new XHTML and CSS in the new release (mini said that also), which would explain why this site (running on the new code) looks and behaves differently.

    I can't help you any more though. Sorry. Will the latest version of Safari not work on a panther (10.3.x) installation?
  • You're right nathan, we HAVE got an old version of Safari on one - dunno why but we have - so I'll change that. But I guess my worry is that with so many browsers out there, if it doesn't work on one I have, it may be a problem on one I don't have. This is becoming a problem with IE, because you can't get the current or the coming versio of IE on Mac, and the old Mac IE is really dodgy now. So anyone developing a website on a Mac has to rely on other people with PCs running IE to de-bug for the most commonly used browser, which is a bummer! Of course, everything is SUPPOSED to be according to standard, but MS doesn't always stick to such things. I think I'll probably take mini's advice and not worry, be happy, and wait for v1 (when my problems start again as this new boy will then have to learn how to carry everything across). Thanks for help again. Despite these little difficulties, I'm really enjoying using Vanilla, and being a small part of the Lussumo community.
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