Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.

Vanilla ready for prime time?

okay, i realize this isn't a 1.0 release, but it's getting close if .9.2.6 means anything. i start teaching an online class next week and i have been using phpBB forums for years, but i am thinking of using vanilla. would you recommend doing this at this point? today is the first time i've really played with vanilla and i like it thus far. i had to have the ability to have 3 groups that see their own discussions and not the other group's discussions. i think i've set that up just fine. i need to be able to add new discussions each week and lock out the old discussions and i think this is possible. i am using a Mac, so i am not sure that i see all potential problems (e.g., i thought i read about a bug with firefox). i am curios to hear what others think about vanilla and using it for real. TIA.


  • ithcyithcy New
    edited May 2006
    i've been using it "for real" for nearly a year, over several upgrades (0.9 - 1.0), and i have friends who have been using 0.9.2 for the same amount of time with only one upgrade. both our boards have thousands of threads and tens of thousands of comments, and we're both quite happy.

    (and our users are using every kind of platform and browser.)
  • I've run through the betas and the regular releases and have to admit it's a solid forum all around pretty much. A few soft spots here and there but nothing terrible at all. Give it a shot and see if your students/group enjoys it, the worst which can happen is them not liking it :)
  • It'd be interesting to hear Marks views on this for sure. I am about to start using it after having been recommended to me by a friend. I am starting another forum using it and so it's going to be a little light on use at first, but hopefully it will prove a rugged testing ground within a few weeks.
  • i have 24 students in the class and i'll divide them into 3 discussion groups with 8 students in each group. they will have 2 areas where they all discuss things together and they will each have a forum where only the group members discuss items. this is what i am getting figured out right now. i'll also play with icons/avatars a bit later as well. i do have the phpBB forums all ready . . . just in case. i am going to play with vanilla up until the i meet with my students monday afternoon. it'll probably be a gut feel thing at the last minute. i might even try a newer beta later today, since i just failed with my attempt to add Vanillacons -- apparently, they don't work with the current release. i didn't realize the add-ons were ahead of the current release so i fiddled for about 20 minutes trying to figure out what i was doing wrong when the directions were so simple. duh! in any regard, i'd like to use some extensions that are being made for an upcoming release.
  • You could even have the same forum, and use categories to be the discussion groups. Assigning different roles to the users depending on group, and then changing the role privilages to only let each group access their own category.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    You can even assign everyone in a particular role to have a specific icon. Anyway, I'm sneaking this in here under the covers, but I've put up a pre-release version of Vanilla available for download. I don't want anyone to make any big announcements about this, but for guys like sean who want to give it a shot, this is a lot easier than installing / learning subversion. This is most definitely a pre-release. The installer and upgrader have not been tested thoroughly - I still have to test Vanilla on all flavours of MySQL from 3.23 to present and PHP 4.1 to present - and all combinations therein. But there go. Give it a shot if you like.
  • !!
  • Awesome! I was really holding back to trying out 1.0 because I didn't want to bother with SVN so I'm in love with this :D Thanks!
  • We need to set up some sort of blogosphere-plastering brute squad for the actual launch.
  • digg it!!!
  • adrian.adrian.
    edited May 2006
    preview post test.

    edit: oops.
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited May 2006
    Don't want to induce death-by-digg though either! Mark, you should set up one of those huge-centered-textbox-for-1-email-address "notify me when vanilla 1.0 is available" type pages :)
  • Haha yeah the classic web 2.0 style notification pages :p
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Well, it's not exactly web 2.0, but there is the mailing list sign up on
  • oh web 2.0 how i love and hate thee
  • Well, it's not exactly web 2.0, but there is the mailing list sign up on

    Make the font size huge and it's web 2.0 :p
  • edited May 2006
    Look at me, I'm Web 2.0
  • lies! you don't have rounded corners!
  • edited May 2006
    Look at me, I'm Web 2.0
  • haha im think i might give 1.0 a shot.
This discussion has been closed.