4chan is like... yeah, I would rather not go there because I'll end up offending just about every person/place/thing in one go, then break the space/time continuum and we'd all be doomed.
Would it be simple for me to go to the version 1 pre release then if it ends up not working out go back to 926? I have also heavily edited my css will that translate over or will I need to do it again?
Also what are the changes in this version from 926 to 1?
TIA Love ya mark
the css won't translate. there has been a total overhaul of that part. if you want to be sure to preserve your old stuff, you're better off making a new database and doing a clean install. just move your 926 folder somewhere and put the v1 where the 926 used to be.
only a fraction of your 0.9.2.x css will likely translate. While some attributes and selectors remain the same, it's the layout itself which has taken a total overhaul so things won't add up if you've done things like move the sidebar around etc.
hey Mark, I just figured I would let you know that in the installer for the fresh install at least, you have it so that the user (myself) has to set he permissions on the folders as 666 through shell. there might be some people that would like to install the version 1, but dont have shell access or dont understand it so they would have to chmod the folders manually through ftp, and the chmod there needs to be 777, not 666.
other then that its working awesome!
well I didnt change them via shell so I dont know how that would have worked, I changed them in my ftp client to 666 as the installer said, and then I got a forbbiden error when I went to installer.php and I wasnt allowed to go through the steps. I since changed the chmods to 777 and was able to finish installing it.
Hmm.. Thats interesting. If you'd have changed them in shell I dont see how it would have done anything differently so maybe the required permissions need a rethink...again. Guys?
I just did another install, and did the changing of permissions through shell, and still got the same problem - forbidden to access the files. I needed to set them to 777 to finish the insall. just a typo I would think but maybe not..
*kicks bergamot back out into the wild for further study
FYI: V1 will be tested (including the upgrade script) on PHP 5.1.2 and MySQL 5.0.18
If anyone has any better ideas for how to word that whole permissions step, please share.