New forum. Calendar mod?

mpliusmplius New
edited September 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

first of all, I am new to Vanilla, and I fell in love at first sight. Simplicity, ajax and everything. However, I am starting a new community and I am unsure, what technology/approach I should use.

I want my vanilla forum users to be able to see some global calendar, make events there and mark 'attend' if they participate. I suspect there is no such mod/plugin/whatever. But maybe I could integrate some existing script?

On top of that, I'd like to integrate mediaWiki (that's no problem, right?) and I need custom pages. For custom pages I could use external CMS, but maybe I could mod vanilla itself?

Thank you for suggestions.


  • @mplius

    From my experience, Vanilla is pretty easy to modify.

    Previously I'd set up basic web pages and had a bit of a fiddle with css, but was no expert.

    With some patience and a a lot of help from people on here, I was able to customise the look and layout of my forum (mostly done via css) as well as create plugins to modify pages.

    Take a look at some of the Addons.

    I suspect the custom pages addon would give you a good idea how to go about modification, as would the Pockets addon

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