Multiple Vanilla Installs

edited October 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Is it possible to easily host multiple forums all using sphinxsearch on one host? The way I installed the first one was to copy the generated sphinx.conf to my global sphinx daemon config since I am using my distributions version. I assume I can't just copy and paste multiple .confs and merge them into one, I was wondering how much of the source names you have hard coded in the plugin that I would have to modify for additional installs.


  • mcu_hqmcu_hq ✭✭✭

    Is it possible to easily host multiple forums all using sphinxsearch on one host?

    yea, you have to generate 3 config files - make sure searchd is on a separate port.

    I was wondering how much of the source names you have hard coded in the plugin that I would have to modify for additional installs.

    Look here for the template

  • I guess my question was more how could I modify the source names so that I could have one searchd running.
    I suppose that just running multiple searchds would be easier than modifying your plugin for each of my installs though.

  • mcu_hqmcu_hq ✭✭✭

    you would need separate searchd's running on multiple config files. You could install the plugin on each vanilla instance and it should work fine, but change the port for each. Each vanilla instance will use the same location of searchd (/usr/local/bin/searchd) but a different config file (.../myweb1/etc/sphinx.conf)

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