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Vanilla Performance Discussion

zserozsero New
edited 2013 19 in Feedback

I've just done some tests, comparing Vanilla vs. MyBB vs. FluxBB and I found out that although I love the concept and the community features of Vanilla, it's 10x slower compared to FluxBB when under heavy load. Is there anything I can do to make it faster? I'm using APC what is used by FluxBB hence why it can be so fast. Isn't there a mod or patch to make Vanilla use APC?

I've written my detailed results here:



  • x00x00 MVP
    edited 2012 11

    APC you just turn on in php, you can use memecache. I recommend clearing activity periodically (this is something fixed in 2.1). Apache is slow, Vanilla performs better with nginx.

    Performance is a complicated subject so I'm not going to get into huge detail, but when you are doing benchmarking all you are doing is accessing how it performs (using that request method) on that setup. You could have performance acceleration software that would actually slow down your site if you don't have enough memory or capacity.

    grep is your friend.

  • zserozsero New
    edited 2012 11

    I am on nginx / php-fpm / APC. Normally the website isn't slow, it's just slow compared to other forums in siege-test.

    Vanilla response -c100: 1.94 secs

    Vanilla response -c200: 2.03 secs

    MyBB response -c100: 0.25 secs

    MyBB response -c200: 0.73 secs

    FluxBB response -c100: 0.04 secs

    FluxBB response -c200: 0.08 secs

  • 50sQuiff50sQuiff ✭✭
    edited 2013 08

    Are you running this benchmark from a clean install of each forum? I've just finished working on my box and the plain Vanilla 2.0 -c100 test is giving me 80.7 transactions per second on a Linode 512, which is three times faster than your results.

    In your test on similar hardware Flux delivers 193 trans/sec which is superb, but it's not radically (10x) better than Vanilla. Considering the functionality of Vanilla and Garden it's very fast indeed, provided you've got a properly baked server stack.

  • x00x00 MVP

    Activity tend to slow thing down as it grows, prune careful but periodically with a cron job, especially with 2.0

    You really don't need old activity that is transient. Just some messages.

    grep is your friend.

  • 50sQuiff50sQuiff ✭✭

    Just for the sake of evaluating the benchmark posted in this thread I used Vanilla straight out of the box. This is without even minifying the CSS/JS, let alone disabling Activity or other software optimisations.

  • A "Prune Activity" Plugin would be great. With some timeframe options ("Keep last 365 days", "Keep last 6 months").

    • VanillaAPP | iOS & Android App for Vanilla - White label app for Vanilla Forums OS
    • VanillaSkins | Plugins, Themes, Graphics and Custom Development for Vanilla
  • LincLinc Admin

    What page of each site were you hitting, and was the same amount of data (or any?) loaded into each forum before these benchmarks were done?

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited 2013 08

    My analogy is a post saying "Guys, I just bought Car A and Car B. When I floored them both, Car A got to the end of the road faster." My first questions would be: Did you put either car past first gear? Was there turning involved? Can you tell us about this road? Can you offer us any context or insight about your results beyond "this thing went faster when I typed in this command"?

    I'm obviously keenly interested in Vanilla's performance (and frankly very prepared to accept it isn't nearly the fastest kid in town at stock config - that hasn't been our foremost concern since we provide customized hosting for it which speeds it up considerably) but I don't see useful levels of info in what's been presented so far.

  • AnonymooseAnonymoose ✭✭
    edited 2013 09

    @50sQuiff said:
    This is without even minifying the CSS/JS, let alone disabling Activity or other software optimisations.

    Unfortunately, activities can't be disabled in Vanilla. I wish they could be.

  • Im moving a couple of my big forums to vanilla. Love the architecture, but it is indeed slow compared to other forums :( Im going to bite the bullet and move to vanilla anyway.
    I hope version 3.x is all about performance improvements.

    I just imported one of my big forums into vanilla and apache benchmarked it against the original old phpbb 2.0 version of the forum. Used 100 concurrent clients for the test.

    phpbb 2.0: 303 requests per second
    vanilla: 22 requests per second

    I have tuned the hell out of my MySql database running on an SSD drive for this move, and I still get these low numbers. This is a pretty hefty dedicated server. Quad core xeon processors, lots of ram, etc.

    Vanillas queries look super heavy and beat the hell out of the MySql engine.
    I may have to custom hack to get the performance I want.

    I hope the vanilla dev team really take this seriously. It just doesnt scale well right now.
    Thats a big deal breaker for a lot of sites.

  • LincLinc Admin

    @jackjitsu What version did you test?

    I recommend Varnish.

  • Version

    Varnish will not help. Im already running on a highly tuned NGINX install with fast_cgi caching.

    When I enable nginx caching on my wordpress sites I get 25,000 requests per second.

    When I try this with Vanilla Forums it fails because the home page pushes out a Cookie and a no-cache header, both of which prevents caching by caching engines like nginx and varnish.

  • I did some more load testing with slow queries enabled in MYSQL to catch what goes slow under load. To my surprise, no query exceeded 3 seconds.

    I was running HTOP and watching. Looks like Vanilla Forums is really heavy on the CPU's, not so much the DB which was my original assumption.


  • x00x00 MVP
    edited 2013 17

    yes vanilla's queries aren’t that bad.

    Never go on what a query looks like, optimised queries can look pretty heavy, and the optimisation is not just in the query itself.

    grep is your friend.

  • If you would like to know what code is causing the performance issues, you could try using XDebug profiler and then a tool like KCacheGrind to inspect it, but beware that it may take a significant amount of time to both to collect and inspect the data.

  • LincLinc Admin

    @jackjitsu You will find 2.1 makes the necessary adjustments to run Varnish and probably fixes many of the queries you're concerned about. Varnish has been a tremendous asset to us.

  • I havent dug into the code yet to review the architecture yet. I guessed the rendering/templating was where most of the time is spent.

    Everything is a trade off, and im willing to trade some CPU for all the awesome hooks and plugin architecture Vanilla provides. I installed a bunch of plugins, then deleted the plugin directory and the forum still ran. PhpBB would explode instantly.

    A loosely coupled plugin architecture is an awesome thing, and worth some trade offs, but 10X CPU requirement is a bit much.

    Hopefully this will get better with time.

  • @Lincoln said:
    jackjitsu You will find 2.1 makes the necessary adjustments to run Varnish and probably fixes many of the queries you're concerned about. Varnish has been a tremendous asset to us.

    Looked into Varnish.... now I see the trick used to make it work.
    Varnish is being configured to IGNORE no-cache headers for at least 60 seconds.
    Basically micro-caching. Which you can do in nginx as well.

    sigh In any case, I will have to use nginx or varnish as a no-cache header ignoring proxy. I dont like this additional complexity :(

    # Adjusting Varnish's caching - hold on to all cachable objects fo 24 hours.
    # Objects declared explicibly as uncacheable are held for 60 seconds, which
    # helps in the event of a sudden ridiculous rush of traffic.
    if (beresp.ttl < 24h) {
    if (beresp.http.Cache-Control ~ "(private|no-cache|no-store)") {
    set beresp.ttl = 60s;
    else {
    set beresp.ttl = 24h;

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