what version of vanilla 2.1 do you run?

I wonder what version do you guys use when you tesymting vanilla 2.1? and what version is the most stable one of 2.1?


  • I am testing on 2.1a33. I figure you might as well use the latest.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • aeryaery ✭✭✭

    I am using 2.1a26 on my local machine for making a new theme. Its stable for me uptil now

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • @peregrine, well I'm using 2.1a33 to bec I think it is the latest one and it should be the best one :P

  • KasperKasper Vanilla Staff
    edited November 2012

    As always, I use the latest version for everything I do. For theme devs who are tired of the new asset handler, this is a great workaround:

    public function Base_Render_Before($Sender) {
        if ($Sender->MasterView == '' || $Sender->MasterView == 'default') {

    Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub

  • @kasperisager Where do I add this code?

  • KasperKasper Vanilla Staff

    Your theme hooks (class.themehooks.php)

    Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub

  • @kasperisager I don't know if I'm blind, but when i looked, the only files that I can see is either (class.theme.php) or (class.hooks.php)

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited November 2012

    I bleive kasper was saying....
    you create your own file themehooksfile in your theme folder.

    with the code he suggested.




    look in mobiletheme for an example

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • @peregrine, well I understood that just now :P But thx anyway :)

  • in less than 37 minutes between posts - the bell rung and the light went off :)

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Hehe yeh :)

  • The version is less important than the branch. Use 'master' for stability. Sometimes, like right now, not even the dev team is running the 'develop' branch on live sites because it's super unstable. If it's in master, we (mostly) trust it for our servers, anyway.

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited November 2012

    Also... if you put a design/custom.css file in your theme it will get auto-included...

  • KasperKasper Vanilla Staff

    @Lincoln said:
    Also... if you put a design/custom.css file in your theme it will get auto-included...

    ...and concatenated with the rest of the stylesheets - I like this feature, but it quickly becomes annoying when you have to delete the cache files every time you make changes to your stylesheets. What I therefore personally do when developing themes locally, is add the stylesheets directly using the method I described earlier :-)

    Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub

  • @kasperisager Set 'DebugAssets' = TRUE in your config to stop the new asset handler from running while you're theming.

  • KasperKasper Vanilla Staff

    Awesomesauce, thanks!

    Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub

  • PamelaPamela ✭✭
    edited December 2012

    @Lincoln said:
    kasperisager Set 'DebugAssets' = TRUE in your config to stop the new asset handler from running while you're theming.

    Many thanks @Lincoln :) because it seems bugged at this point, in my case (2.1a33)

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