The Ctrl-v game

Hi everyone, I thought it is time for a forum game here. So I took up the old Ctrl-v game.

This is how you do: You add a new comment here, but when you do this you paste in the latest one that you have coped, then you might need to explain what it is.

So it is not a hard game, but it can be fun sometimes to see :P


  • And I think I will start also to just show you an example:


    Well I'm playing around with som paypal scripts.

  • "Schachtjor Donezk"

    i copied it from an article about the unfair goal a player of Schachtjor Donezk scored, so i can find it on youtube. i never know how to properly spell it :P

  • "goat porn"

    Uh wait what??

  • aeryaery ✭✭✭

    "CIM assignment due on 25th Nov and Film Studies on 29th Nov"

    Was copy pasting from mail to sticky notes

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • KasperKasper Vanilla Staff

    @include box-shadow(inset 0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,.25));

    Hmmm... I guess I was writing some SCSS in Compass?

    Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub

  • NEXEBE-596-NUJUWO-062

    Uhh, that was my product key of Hitman :)

  • "University of Kent UK Mirror Service"

    I sent a link to a friend telling him about the latest Linux Mint 14 Cinnamon Release :P

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited November 2012

    glean the correct workaround from the oddly aggressive messages left by "Supreme Commander" @peregrine.

    to which I thought "an odd comment too, from someone who expects help after offering a salvo across the starboard side". A passive-aggressive sniper at my back:). Shields up!

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.


    I am not sure why this is there... lol

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited December 2012

    This entire discussion is a ruse to get me to accidentally drop a Vanilla password, I know it.

    //edit: OK fine:


  •         <div class="control-group">
                <h3>Libary Details</h3>

    Styling a web app, apparently not spelling well

  • darn. in 4 out of 5 visits i can't disclose my clipboard

  • Rule of thumb: A total of 1 hour per pound if you wrap in foil at 150°F. If it gets done sooner, you can hold it in a faux cambro or in an oven at 170 to 200°F (see rest time, below). If you do not wrap in foil, then expect about 90 minutes per pound for a whole packer

    i'm smoking 50lbs of brisket tonight.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited December 2012

    i'm smoking 50lbs of brisket tonight.

    looking at previous comment. thinking @hbf is going to have one heck of a buzz. :)

    Alternatively, wishing there was a food plugin that were open-source and free. I'm kind of feeling entitled to try some of the brisket.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • i'm smoking 50lbs of brisket tonight.

    looking at previous comment. thinking @hbf is going to have one heck of a buzz. :)

    i dont inhale.

  • It's Cmd+V dammit! @zar3x must be a dirty Windows user. :D

  • @Lincoln hehe well yeh I am :P

  • Nothing todo with windows. Ctrl-V was started at Xerox, It is Mac that does Cmd-V.

    X-Window Ctrl-V is the same on unix terminal V stands for verbatim.

    I hardly touch windows, never touch smelly macs :P

    grep is your friend.

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