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Drop down list to tag?
I have the tagging plugin enabled, and I've added select tag drop down lists on the new discussion form. I want to make it mandatory to select a value in these. When an item is selected, I want it to be added to the list of tags. Can someone gently push me in the right direction as to how I can do this?
Yes, I also search for this.
I'm not quite sure what you try to achieve, but if you want to have a drop down and the field of that drop down should be set as a tag, you should look at that plugin:
It is not flexible so you would have to customize it for your needs but it shows you the way how to do it
@R_J, can you elaborate more on your plugin?
I read the description but didn't get the full gist of it.
@Rohith, are you wanting to pre-set defined tags?
From those pre-defined tags, they select one (or more) mandatory tag?
I'm working on something very similar to this but it's not done yet.
Just curious as I can perhaps cater to this option as I develop what I am working on.
Task was to force users to give a version info when they ask a question. So I've created a plugin that 1. adds a mandatory dropdown field to New Discussion with every possible version number and 2. hooks the BeforeSave Event to save the value of the dropdown field as a tag.
I guess that's similar to what Rohtih and gymo are asking for.
I made that plugin for one special use case and that's why I haven't uploaded it to the plugin section here on this site: it could be used as a blueprint but it is not useful out of the box.
@R_J sounds nice. Could You share it? Is it complicated to implement? Im not php-expert
Already did:
Try what you can achieve, give a detailed impression of what you want to have when you are finished, and we will find a way
You already did 
Anyway this plugin needs tagging 1.6 and I have vanilla 1.0.18 where You can find 1.1p1 of tagging plugin. I try to put tagging plugin from vanilla 2.1b3, but it's not work (of course?
You are working with Vanilla 1.0.18?! Let that be a typo...
Just try to change the version info of the requirements. I think it will work
Really it was version 2.0.18 (not 1.... )
. Now I have 2.1b2 and Your plugin works fine. It looks like easy so I try to configure it