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Are the discussions just hidden visually?

I've not tried this add-on yet, but had a glance through the code.
From what I can see, discussions are just hidden from the display in the "All Discussions" page using CSS, but are still there in the page HTML source. Is that how this plug-in works? It does not alter the way the "all discussions" are queried and retrieved?
-- Jason
Yes. purely visual.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Okay, thanks.
Hey i'd like to jump in with my question. My categories have names like "Pinnwand (Suche/Biete)" or "Freizeit & Spaß". Adding the NAME of the category to the plugin settings doesn't change anything, Anyone knows why?
if they are hidden by class name, then the category name must be a whole word like:
bacon_and_eggs not bacon and eggs
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Hey all,
I'm looking for a way to hide them not just visually, but do really take them out of the discussion view. So the discussion count stays the same as well as pagination will really show just the set amount of discussions per page.
@peregrine: Is this in a way very complex to do for Vanilla so you decided to make the CSS workaround?
Anyone who accomplished this?
I have done something very close to this. You can hook in to the discussion model via a plugin and add a where clause to the query.
It would be something like this:
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see hgtonight 's solution - that will do it for you. If I were going to give you the perfect answer, i would say look at the previous comment. clear and succinct.
I'll give you my decision process since you asked for it. and an epistle since I am in a epistolary mood.
August 2 2013
Dearest Phreak,
It was a rainy Saturday in 14 April in 2012 as I recall. I was eating a blueberry scone, thinking how delightfully tasty the scone was, and thinking where could I get my hands on another one. But at the same time weighing the possibility, that a second scone might not be as good as the first, and might give me a sugar rush. So, I just opted for another demitasse of coffee and thought to myself. Here's a guy nopresnik posting under two aliases - also as superstunt, I figured if he posed the question twice under two pseudonyms (aka sock puppet), he needed a plugin bad and ASAP [see footnote 1] . I gave no question to the integrity of a person who posts on this forum under two names to garner additional help. [see footnote 2] I said to myself should I think "inside the box" or "outside the box" and settled with "around the box". At the time - the css solution seemed the quickest to write and the least hit on performance with multiple "exclusionary or where" statements in a sql query.
Wait a second, I think it may have been a raspberry scone, and I actually opted to eat two scones, with the added sugar in my system, I decided to write a plugin I knew i would never use, but as a favor to someone, who I figured might never come back to the forum, except when they needed someone else to help them out again. I didn't consider the code as a workaround at the time, and it was almost time to go horseback riding. I hope this explains the why and wherefore and the solution above provides you with all the tools necessary to do what you need to do above
as ever,
yours peregrine.
cc: @vrijvlinder
P.S. Is a newbie someone who has been a member for over a year? Because lot of newbie questions come from members of the forum for over a year. It seems that in a year's time one could learn css and php. I am not referring to you, just others.
[2] (Some people post under two names because they lost their password over the years, and that is completely understandable and don't confuse this with that)
if you take this project on, you will be the one to accomplish. This could be the feather in your phreak cap
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I am indecisive as to what to use to react ... it is very lol!! specially the epistolary mood. very novelistic
Then I read and see the plot is a very cleverly veiled tutorial !! If there was a scholarly I would use that to react...
So you get a scholarly , a lol , and I finish with an insightful on top
PS according to my dictionary this is what NEWB means , very interesting! maybe someone can be a newb for life ;0 ?
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@phreak: is @hgtonight s answer help enough or do you need someone to put this together for you?
let me suggest a lol.
if @phreak finished it off himself, he could feel more proud of it and then he could add the premium version to his site. I know he could do it and then he would have themes and plugins available at his venue.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
+1 to this, it's also how my Hot Threads plugin works.
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@peregrine: phreak is more a designer.
currently working on implementations of foundation and latest bootstrap responsive themes as well as on a optimized PeregrineReaction template and icons hopefully improving it designwise. 
@phreak said:
This plugin has never been a favorite of mine. consider this plugin my gift to you to do whatever you wish to it and call it your own.
You can also have hidetitle plugin, as well. and if I think of any more I'll let you know.
I will mark this plugin as obsolete and refer them to you new premium plugin, if you so desire.
Perhaps Businessdad wants to write one and post it on his site, if you don't want to write the new feature yourself.
Or hgtonight or rj or vrijvlinder can wrestle one up for you.
As for me, I am not doing any feature requests at this time. I've got way to many plugins (close to 40 now), and way too little donations.
I've been able to buy one good lunch for the penulitmate plugin I wrote and it just isn't worth my time anymore. I can't afford to spend 40-80 hours coding a plugin for one lunch.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
lol ! but , I am more a designer too ... an altruistic one
every plugin I have made was a collaboration, I am still quite newbish..... but learning
trying hard not to be a n00b.....
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
-you are not a n00b. you learn and fast. If there were points for altruism - you would have gobs of them.
*if I may echo-paraphrase....
*Then I read your message a second time, and it is quite nuanced!!
If there was a altruisitic reaction I would use that to react...
So you get a altruisistic , an insightful , and I finish with a nuanced on top
P.S. Phreak I have begun the transfer and initiated the obsoletion-deletion-premium-support-transferal process, by marking the plugins obsolete.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
R_J went ahead and did this for you and others!
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That makes RJ the Plugin Wrestler Dundee !!!
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