What's the latest with Vanilla porter?

I've been reading up on the porter and it's difficult to tell what the current state of it is and who has had success with it, specifically in porting Vbulletin to Vanilla. The "more information" link on the Github page links to an empty page here at Vanilla. If anyone can comment on the following I would appreciate it:

  1. What versions of Vbulletin does the porter work with?
  2. Has it worked well with most aspects of the Vbulletin software, ie private conversations, attachments etc?
  3. Have you successfully ported Vbulletin to Vanilla? If so do you have any tips?
  4. Will the porter work with 2.1?

Thanks in advance. Disclaimer: yes I did a search. I'm trying to clarify the information in the many results that I read through.


  • LincLinc Admin
    edited January 2013

    As far as I know, the Porter works with any vBulletin version. They really don't change the database much in that product, and that's all the Porter cares about. Yes, it works for Vanilla 2.1, again, it doesn't really care about minor database changes (the importer is separate and in Vanilla core - Porter just makes a generic file out of any forum's data).

    It does work with PMs & attachments. If you need to export attachments and avatars from the database (vBulletin allows you to put them in the database OR filesystem, know which you have first) by adding ?avatars=1&attachments=1 to the URL when you go to the Porter's web page to do the export. It will make 'customavatars' and 'attachments' folders in the web root of where you're exporting from; copy those to the 'uploads' folder on your new site.

    Personally, I always dump the database, import it to a local copy of MAMP on my laptop, and do the export there so there's plenty of room and power. If the forum you're exporting from is on a crappy server, it will take forever and possibly outright fail.

    Always run /utility/structure afterward, and then go to /role/defaultroles and make sure those are correct afterward, then manually set all correct role permissions again because sometimes they get muddled.

  • Thanks!

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