Can not set default localisation



  • To be honest, I never checked. Admin-CP-wise Vanilla really was one of the most simple-to-work-with forums I ever used, but that's no help if such an important feature fails to work. Thanks for all your efforts though. :)

  • @RobertW Unless there are specific restrictions in place that prevent it, I would also suggest to ask your hosting provider to upgrade PHP, it's not particularly difficult for a SysAdmin.

    Wordpress requires version 5.2.4, therefore it's almost a coincidence that it runs on 5.2.1. Also, PHP 5.2 is no longer supported, and PHP 5.3 has been out for over four years, and includes many improvements. In my opinion, it would be a pity to abandon Vanilla only because the Server setup is outdated.

  • I kind of feel like an idiot right now as I contacted my host about php and he told me he was in fact running 5.3 for a long time and was wondering where I was getting 5.2.1 from. Turns out I accidently read the min. requirements of the admin CP instead of the actual software running on it. This is pretty embarassing...

  • That's a good news, now we know that the server is configured correctly. May I ask you what Vanilla version are you using, exactly, and which language pack have you downloaded? I can try reproducing the issue, and I would like to make sure I follow precisely the same steps. Thanks.

    Developers Download, version
    German locale

    Still quite embarassed about this, my apologies to both of you :(

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited January 2013

    keep the name of the folder as vf_de_DE

    then set

    $Configuration['EnabledLocales']['vf_de_DE'] = 'de-DE';


    $Configuration['Garden']['Locale']= 'de-DE';

    you should change the name of the folder without changing the local info, and there is no point.

    don't change the folder permissions to 777. that is both wrong on requirement and sensibility, nothing is write. you can use 755.

    grep is your friend.

  • I only did that for ruling out problems, normally I don't leave any folders or files with permissions higher than required. As for the language pack, I couldn't wait for resolving the issue as my class needed that site and I'm using a Q&A forum now, but I will install vanilla on a private domain for further testing over the weekend and attempt to rename the config entries as you suggested.

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