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show the open forum discussions

is there any way to open the forum to display all messages from all categories, including messages from the guests? I have the plugin anonymouse.
Now I only displays messages and registered users to view all messages should go to / discussions.
Thank you!


  • Please

  • I have embedded the forum on my website.
    Is there any way to open another page of different forum which opens by default?
    for example discussion
    sorry for my English, I'm using google translate

  • edited March 2013

    yes you go to Routes in the dashboard . The default landing page is default controller, if you want the landing page to be something else you would put the url in there. For example :

    Route Expression: DefaultControler

    Target: the other page you want it to open

    Type: internal

    This only works to route internal urls from the Forum. If you want to create a landing page or intro page, you can put it in the forum folder and then it will become an internal file so you could put as the default controller /home.html or the name of the file you put in the forum folder.

  • Do not know what happened that now I can not logearme forum, makes me page not found. Is there any way to undo it?

  • You should still be able to access your dashboard by going to

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  • You can also change it back to how it was through the config.php of the application.

    // Routes
    $Configuration['Routes']['DefaultController'] = 'a:2:{i:0;s:11:"discussions";i:1;s:8:"Internal";}';

    Just copy that manually back into the config.php almost at the bottom where it says Routes.

  • Do not know what happened that now"

    well, what did you attempt to do?

    if you added a route.

    look in cong.php and remove the offending route.


    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Fixed, thank you, I love you. Above I have also solved the problem of the default route is now great.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited March 2013

    @Clister said:
    Fixed, thank you, I love you. Above I have also solved the problem of the default route is now great.

    I got no love from you :) Unrequited love. Where is the heart.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • edited March 2013

    @Clister es costumbre poner insightful el ojito o awesome el corazón para dar gracias a los que le ayudaron con su problema. :) Don Peregrino es el Rey de aquí y el se le dan dos por uno !

  • Claro, estoy muy agradecido y muy contento con el foro vanilla y sois muy majos todos. Gracias de corazón.

  • Love in the air..... Love in the air....

    @Clister no temas en preguntar en español algun asunto que tengas, siempre que lo hagas en ambos idiomas, primero ingles y luego debajo en español.

    No llevo mucho por aqui, pero se que hay gente de habla española (como yo) que pueden en algunos casos hecharte una mano.

    Por otro lado @vrijvlinder es una chica maja, que siempre intenta ayudar aunque no sea en su idioma natal y eso es algo que dice muchas cosas buenas de ella. Y eso que ni la conozco ;)

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