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Discussion views count is incremented every time I open the discussion...

...whitout handling my recurring visit as the same user. The views count (of a discussion) should be incremented only at my first visit, I think.
Browsing applications/vanilla/settings/class.hooks.php
I saw that in the function Gdn_Statistics_Tick_Handler
this line is called every time $DiscussionModel->AddView($DiscussionID);
without considering session, etc.
Is this a current limit of vanilla or a bug?
Thank you.
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Isnt it related to vanilla analytics
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I think it has to do with the concept. some people want it one way and some another. It is all semantics. how a view counter is setup
by brower views
by views by an ip
what if two people share the same ip address - should that be counted as two views or one.
To me its a sticky thicket, and you never mentioned the version pf vanilla, maybe they work differently.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Probably is my fault: I'm using VF 2.1a36 online for a production website (still a few users). But now I see that my local version isn't "affected" by this problem. I'm investigating...
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I cloned online files and database to a localhost env, and here all works correctly (?): views counter remain the same after each visit.
Anybody that can explain how discussions views count works (ip, guest, logged users...)?
Thank you.
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Considering you are using alpha software, the code is pretty much the only documentation available.
Look at /applications/vanilla/models/class.discussionmodel.php around line 1808. You should see a function called AddView.
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