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Remove "All Discussions" and "Relevant-Category" buttons

Hi, How can i remove the above buttons from the content area? Since the links are available in Sidepanel i think it is not useful to have them again in content area.
you could do it via css or other methods. This has been answered before, did you try searching on removing links or removing button, or changing css, or documentation on themes.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yes i searched. Seems like i didn't make the question clear. That site is mine. I could change the button "All Discussions" to "All". But what i want is to remove the button. Also Category button (here it is Event). I will change CSS of "Tabs DiscussionsTabs",to hide the button. But what i really wanted is to know the file to edit "content". So i can use that knowledge for future usage.
And thanx for the quick reply.
[your theme]/views/discussions/
then edit
grep is your friend.
@x00 is right. There is also an option to show/not show categories in your dashboard->categories.
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Thank you guys. That exactly did what i wanted.