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Cost for university-education?
How much costs the university-education in USA/GB/Kanada/Australia???
Here in Germany the government introduces this costs/payments too at the state-universities and many people don't agree to this.
P.S. These are 500€ in a semestre.... at the moment....
Here in Germany the government introduces this costs/payments too at the state-universities and many people don't agree to this.
P.S. These are 500€ in a semestre.... at the moment....
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The university can decide it on it's own between 0 and 500 €
So all up it's like nearly $15000 AUS.
Good thing is that the government pays all of that upfront and you just have to pay it back bit by bit when you get a full time job after you graduate.
most people pay with some combination of grants (which are not much, but you don't have to pay back) and loans (which you have to pay back after a few years). the interest rates on these loans have been rising rapidly in the last two years.
In the UK from september onwards (they just introduced the fees) it will be £3k/year for nearly all unis (the government want to increase this in a few years) for tuition. Halls range from £50-£100 per week depending if it's self catered or not. Then there's books and other miscellaneous costs.
I'm a few months away from starting uni and I'm having a tough time deciding whether or not to bother. Due to our 'high' family income I wont get any grants. The tuition fees are part of a government scheme which I have to pay back when i start earning more than £15k/year (it comes straight out my wages like tax). The rest of the money I have to take as a loan.
I recon for a 3 year course (I'd probably do 4) I'm looking forward to a total debt of around £30k by the time i'm finished. That's closer to 45kEuro or $60k. Obviously there are structures in place to help pay it back (student loans are very low interest) but that's still a ton of debt to be in when you're walking out into the world not guaranteed a job or anything. Especially when the housing market in the UK is so crazy.
So yeah, I'm really not atall sure whether I'm best checking out the job market. I recon once my exams are over (3 weeks today and i havent even started revising...whoops) I'm gonna send my cv to a ton of places and see what sort of offers I get. I might work for a year and put as much money as possible aside then go to Uni next time round. Unless by then I'm on £50k a year (unlikely). *puts thinking cap on
As I see the fees in Germany at the moment are extremly low in comparison to english-speaking-countrys, I think it's only the beginning - the fees will be much higher in the future
It is interessant, if the job-salaries in Germany will grow due to the uni-fees, hm...
to Kosmo: 7 years? which study path, jurisprudence or medicine???
There is no doubt in my mind though that the UK and Europe are heading fairly quickly down in terms of global super powers.
I agree with mini to the overqualification, in Germany it's exactly the same problem...
I dont think anyone's doubting the personal opportunities university provides or claiming it's not a major part of peoples lives, and I know for sure there would be a whole load of varied benefits of going to university for me personally. But this discussion is about cost so when I've been talking that's been my main focus. (someone on the lussumo community not going off topic?! whatever next?? ;P)