[Solved] [HowTo] How do I Redirect my 404 page to my site index?*

Hi everyone.
Is there a option to redirect the error page 404 into index page? I have try thru .htacess with ErrorDocument 404 /index.php but wont work.
Thank you for your help...
Hi everyone.
Is there a option to redirect the error page 404 into index page? I have try thru .htacess with ErrorDocument 404 /index.php but wont work.
Thank you for your help...
Can you explain better? you want to route the 404 to a custom 404 page?
To change routes or add new one you can do that in the dashboard in the Routes section .
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No no. Ex: if someone writes mysite.com/page5 if this page dont exists it redirects to error page 404. Now i want that if someone writes the wrong page should be redirected to index page and not to error page 404.
ok then you would change the routing in the dashboard, instead of going to the 404filenot found you put discussions controller as the route.
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Dashboard -> Routes -> Default404 -> Edit. Put '/' in for the target to redirect to the home page.
EDIT - cross post
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Great! Thank you vrijvlinder. You are my HERO
don't forget @hgtonight he is also a Vanilla super hero !
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Thank you to hg... I gived him a heart to
Thanks guys!
Welcome to the community @Mikey05!
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I have tried every possible way to do this. I have done Dashboard -> Routes -> Default404 -> Edit. Put '/' I have also specified a specific URL instead of just '/' but it still will not reroute the 404 page. Is there anything else I need to do?
Hi, same here.
Of course you can place a 404.html in your root and write a .htaccess rule like
ErrorDocument 404 http://www.yoursite.com/404.html
I also tried to route to the 404.html in "Routes" but this also doesn't work. Also tried to set it into the themes and the default theme folder. But both doesn't work. So i just overwrote the styling in "dashboard/views/home/filenotfound.php.
But smart is different. Which folder is equivalent to the "home" folder in my "themes"-folder to make it update-save?
You need to make the url internal . Copy the 404.html and put it in the forum directory . Then it becomes an internal file.
so your route looks like this
depending on what you call your forum of course
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you can also use my plugin Bonk which is a 404 error page
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Is there a way to use Routes to redirect visitors to another URL (another domain) upon a 404 error is triggered?
Or is there a way to disable the Default404 setting from /dashboard/routes so the ErrorDocument directive from .htaccess works properly again?
@AristaP said:
please look at the Plugin Bonk
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