£$ Work Required : Custom popup needed to match Users with their User Roles*

Hi all
Big up to all here. I'm loving vanilla
Please can someone assist me for paid development work if needed...
We have recently moved to vanilla Version from another forum...
In the transfer, we lost all the old user roles we had, so now all users in Vanilla now have the role "members"
We do not know who had what role from the old forum...
One idea of a solution is to get the user to update their role (and of course not to Admin or Mod) when they log in.
A popup after login seems a logical/acceptable UX experience for the user.
Something along the lines of
Welcome Back!!!
Before continuing, please update your current level from the dropdown below:
[ Basic | Learner |Advanced ]
This popup would continue to "popup" when a page in the forum in reloaded if they still had the role of "Member"
**Note: Admin, Guest, Mod roles = No Popup Needed **
Thanks for reading... I am hoping someone can help
Did you try importing using the enhanced version of the porter?
No.... You mean importer from old forum?
If so, It was a bit complicated because old forum was YABB :0
We used a developer to help us..
That developer should have made sure the old roles mapped onto some new roles.
Yes I know this
Sometimes finding other import software from your-forum-software to one of the supported porter formats first, works, then running the porter.
For example, you may find YABB -> phpBB -> Vanilla porting works.
That option was not available to us due to custom YABB code... as mentioned it was complex..
I am really only looking to come up with a solution to the situation we are in now...
Thanks for your help though
Does that mean that you don't have a backup from the old forum?
Then an SQL solution won't help...
Just in case no-one can help, just think of other solutions than custom development.
If learner is your default role after a certain amount of posts or something, then you can set that role using SQL. Same for advanced, etc.
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Hi Underdog
Yes, have backup of forum, but YABB is not sql based... its flat files.. so I would need my time/energy and maybe paying someone to extract the roles.... so still better to get custom popup..
I have thought about other solutions... my original popup request is the outcome of exploring all avenues I know of.
The roles are there to make some categories private to some and not others... All the users on the old forum have been manually verified to be within a certain role... so your last suggestion is not really applicable.
The proposed popup solution is not perfect I know, but the best I can think of.
gee... Whats it take to actually pay someone around here
I've sent you a PM.
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Perhaps I can help, I'll also send you a PM.
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I would have thrown my hat in the ring, but this all occurred when I was sleeping.
I am positive you will be happy with the services of @businessdad or @lifeisfoo. Both are top notch in my book!
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And I just discovered that we also happen to be from the same Country! Talk about coincidence.
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Magnifico !!
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
Strango !!
Is that the sequel to Rango?
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Shhhhh Keep your voice down. No this is what I thought Magnifico !! Strango !!