Localize the stop word list?


I'm setting up a forum in a different language. Can I localize the stopwords (the, any, is, etc) that get left out of URL slugs?


  • I see now that there is no stop word filtering in the URL slugs. Any plug-ins that do this?

  • I believe you are looking for the Url() method in Gdn_Format. You can find it on line 1191 in /library/core/class.format.php.

    I suggest you tread lightly when modifying core files. Any modifications cannot be community supported. Basically, you are on your own!

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  • Thank you. Will I be able to modify the URL functionality by writing a plug-in?

  • No. The framework uses an autoloader to load the framework files. Since a plugin hooks into events fired once the framework is up and running, it would be impossible for it to modify the absolute core functionality.

    If I had to accomplish this same feat, I would fork the class.format.php file and maintain it through version updates.

    Please, someone tell me there is a better way.

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  • joriswjorisw New
    edited May 2013

    Thank you. I'll dig into this. Does the same go for localizing the URLs? E.g. discussion/* -> somethingelse/* .

  • Just rewriting words in a url can be done in an .htaccess file, no?

    As far as printing out these urls, you would have to do a little more hacking. This thread might be helpful.

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