Vanilla open source was terminated 1 January 2025 by Higher Logic. See this announcement for more information.

Search in whispers / private comments

Would really like to get search results for whispers or private comments (appropriate to the user's role). Can't seem to find a plugin, or anyone else asking this. Any clues?


  • Private messages are handled by the conversations application. There is no implemented search model for this application. The good news is that Garden/Vanilla offers you the tools to create it!

    You would have to create a conversations search model somewhat like /applications/vanilla/models/class.searchmodel.php. The actual difficulty would be in filtering the results by permissions. Once you get this figured out, you would call it on the search model event.

    public function SearchModel_Search_Handler($Sender) {
        $SearchModel = new ConversationsSearchModel();

    There is no way I could possibly show you how to do this (I am but a lowly volunteer), but I would be happy to help you with any specific issues that come up.

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