Single Sign On Question

I am trying to build the Vanilla forums into my site, and I want to make it as seamless as possible.
I have been looking at the JsConnect and ProxyConnect options, but both have cons.
What I would like, is to create a forum account for my users as soon as they create a account on the website (as the forum will be integrated into the normal website design completely, aka. not like
Also, I would like the users to get logged in to the "forum" as soon as the users logs in to my main website, without having to sign in twice etc.
What is the best solution to implement this?
I guess I could simply add the user to the forum db once a user account is created, even though I am unsure how Vanilla stores passwords (I can only see that BLOB is used, not which encryption). I am really unsure about the signing in automaticly part though.
If you are running wordpress, I suggest glue.
If you are running something else, I suggest reading the gdn_authenticator, gdn_user, and entrycontroller classes source code.
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I'm running my own code :-) All self-written.
Thanks for the suggestions, I will have a look at the pages you suggested.