is this free?

Hi is this free? Am I going to have to pay for something if I start using this plugin?


  • :johnnyzen

    What was it about:

    Just install this FREE Addon and enable:

    that made you think you would have to pay?

  • The plugin relies on Loginradius service, to which one must subscribe to use the plugin. They have a basic free plan and several paid subscriptions, which I think is the reason why @johnnyzen was asking.

    In short, the plugin is free, but you need to subscribe to Loginradius service. That is free as well up to a certain amount of Users. If you get over such amount, you would have to get a paid subscription.

  • @businessdad @johnnyzen

    In which case I apologise for my facetious comment!

    (facetious - one the very few words in English to have the vowels just once, in the correct alphabetical order.)

  • It looks like the user limit on the free service is 3000 users.

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  • @hgtonight said:
    It looks like the user limit on the free service is 3000 users.

    It seems quite reasonable to me. After 3000 Users, the forum should generate enough revenue to pay for the Starter subscription level, which allows up to 50.000 Users. After all, running a successful website requires some investment, one can't expect to just stay on a $5/month hosting and not having to pay for anything else. :)

  • @whu606 said:
    businessdad johnnyzen

    In which case I apologise for my facetious comment!

    (facetious - one the very few words in English to have the vowels just once, in the correct alphabetical order.)

    ha, yes keep your facetious comments to yourself next time ;)

    Thanks for the info guys :)

  • @johnnyzen

    I shall do my best to be abstemious...

  • There is nothing "free" on LoginRadius except a 30-Day Trial. The basic packet is WAY too expensive for an individual to even consider purchasing.

  • @SomeGuyInCali said:
    There is nothing "free" on LoginRadius except a 30-Day Trial. The basic packet is WAY too expensive for an individual to even consider purchasing.

    That's probably becuase it is not aimed at individuals. It is a enterprise solution, looking at the website.

    grep is your friend.

  • In the plugin documentation is touts a basic membership as "free". It is very misleading.

  • @x00 said:

    Loginradius is not for enterprise actually. They are more focused towards small businesses . Companies like Janrain and Gigya are chargeing thousands of dollars for the same thing!

    @SomeGuyInCali said:
    In the plugin documentation is touts a basic membership as "free". It is very misleading.

    I guess Social sharing for loginradius is free. and social login is paid one.

  • @markus001 said:

    it is not entry level or non-business that was my point. If you want to make a go of on the web to have to willing to put in the capital or have skills of you own. Anyway I'm not going to labour the point. There is always people looking for "moar free shit". Nothing is made free not even OS software.

    grep is your friend.

  • edited July 2015

    No, it is not free ... although the copy on this promotion for the plug-in indicates that it is. Also -- as of the time of this comment -- when the prospective user of this software arrives at the vendor's website, it also appears that a certain service level is free, while only additional service is more costly. Is this really true? NO, BEWARE!!

    The truth is that none of this is free except for 30 days, then either one pays $200/month, or one's site users lose this tool.

    It is probably worth $200/month for many businesses. However, who would get into bed with a company that conducts themselves as flim-flammers? Me? I will not risk partnering with these guys. There's likely more deception and manipulation down this path ....

  • No existe otra alternativa¡¡¡

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