Plugin does not work in FireFox

Current vanilla version :
Primary browser tested : FireFox Ver 21.0
Local Application Server : Latest Apache Server
File Upload Detect Plugin : Follow exactly the instructions incl. clean installation and rename folder to "FileUpload"
I need help from Gurus over here, I just bump into this vanilla forum lately and decided to try out on my local development server, vanilla has been installed perfectly and clean from start, however noticed that the community version has no file upload tried up this plugin, however i notice one issue, the attachment is running fine and progress bar can be seen. But after i attached, i cannot see any icon in Firefox browser especially for Image files(jpeg, png & bmp), other files type i can see icon...but the icon looks like "white paper" instead of designated file icon (MSDoc will see doc icon etc.). I tried Latest Chrome, image icon appear as "X" icon after i attach ..well at least better than firefox and the x icon can be clicked to open the image. Thx gurus in advance , please shed some light for this issue.
Is there a reason you are using that plugin over the original File Upload?
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Hai hgtonight, the main reason i use this plugin over the original fileupload is because I would like to see icon classification after upload. It is more organised this way. However it is not working accordingly, any help on this , TQ
if it look like a white paper, can you attach what you see, like scrren grabs.
One of the mistake people make is to merge the two plugins.
grep is your friend.
This is the preview from Chrome based on image attachment, u see this icon
, if you see it from Firefox, u get this
. x00 i did not use any other plugin or activate other plugin fyi. TQ
well the img url is broken in both (not a firefox specific issue). I would check file permission.
what is the url for the image (right click "copy location") If it is an image attachment it should display the imge directly, but at this moment this is looking nothing like should for an attachment.
can you please disable all other plugins.
grep is your friend.
Ya if i click from chrome, i can direct to the image, but in firefox, i cannot see any icon therefore cannot link to the picture.Currently i only activate this plugin only , others are default plugin that comes with the vanilla package which is not activated also. TQ