Remove Vanilla Login (and use only jsconnect login)

I'm using jsconnect in my forum as people in my company login via our wordpress powered website. The thing is every so often some newb who doesn't listen to directions land on the login on vanilla an instead of clicking to login with wordpress (highlighted in yellow) they continuously try to login to the vanilla login (highlighted in red) - I'd like to remove the vanilla login so that just the jsconnect option is there. I was tinkering and I was able to remove the vanilla login a few days ago (I dont recall how I did it) but when I did that it moved the jsconnect login to the top right and hid it partially under the banner. and I couldn't figure out how to move it - Anyone know how to remove the vanilla login and then center the jsconnect login in the page so that it is the only login option?



  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited May 2013


    The thing is every so often some newb who doesn't listen to directions ...


    I thought they always listened and always read documentation and always searched.

    I think you could probably find the answers via custom.css

    and I think you would want to remove the signinmodule.

    -- my guess is the answers are on the forum, if you search or use google

    • google custom.css

    • google signin

    • google signinmodule

    someone else could give you specifics if you don't find anything using the above goosle searches

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited May 2013

    why don't you route the login?

    grep is your friend.

  • Mainly because I dont know what that means lol Clarify?

  • edited June 2013

    the easier way is to not display the login form using css

    body.Entry  form#Form.User.SignIn{
  • where would I do that? I tried it on custom.css but it didnt work

  • try


    it should get rid of the form in the sign in page.

    try adding these to that same rule

    body.Dashboard.Entry #Content form, .SignInPopup form ,form#Form.User.SignIn

  • Nope, that didn't work.... other suggestions?

  • as many people will tell you learning to use firebug, will help you find any selector you wan to change the css.

    grep is your friend.

  • Firebug is zero help. It's nice to see the code for each element but it would be even nicer if it told me where I could find that code on the server so I could actually edit it.

  • It shows me this code, which is exactly what I want to remove...

      But it would be really great if it told me where the heck in the files it's actually located. ugh.

    • omg

    • edited June 2013
      form id="Form_User_SignIn" action="/talk/entry/signin" method="post"
      input id="Form_TransientKey" type="hidden" value="FX81SCECQTJN" name="Form/TransientKey"
      input id="Form_hpt" type="hidden" style="display: none;" value="" name="Form/hpt"
      input id="Form_Target" type="hidden" value="/" name="Form/Target"
      input id="Form_ClientHour" type="hidden" value="2013-6-7 22:12" name="Form/ClientHour"
    • edited June 2013

      There it is... now where on earth is that code actually at? anyone? I just want to edit that block right out but cant find it for the life of me

    • edited June 2013

      Firebug is zero help. It's nice to see the code for each element but it would be even nicer if it told me where I could find that code on the server so I could actually edit it.

      I explained all that above. You put the css in the custom.css of your theme that is the file which will hide it from view.

      The css file is in your themes folder inside the theme design folder.

      The file it is actually in is called signin.php but I would not mess with it unless you know what you are doing and even then it is not advisable. Saying firebug is useless hurts your credibility in that department.


    • Hope this is the answer you are looking for:
      Fist go to " \vanilla\applications\dashboard\design " open style.css with aany editor.
      at line 1841 change the "display: block;" to "display: none;"
      Then at line 2461 add "display: none;"
      and if you want also the SignIn button to not show, at line 251 also display:none;

    • LincLinc Admin

      Go to Registration in the Dashboard and change the method to "Connect"

      Then go to jsConnect's settings (under Plugins) and set the appropriate URLs for your sign in & register pages. That will auto-forward the forum buttons to your page. No need to hide it.

    • @Lincoln,

      What about the sign in form if a user goes directly to your /forums directory, instead of signing in first on the site's homepage?

      If you look at the original poster's attached image, that's the sign in form you see... and an uninformed member might try to use his / her membership login info (which won't necessarily work in the Vanilla Forums sign in... unless you click on the jsConnect-enabled link under "or you can..."

      Is there a way we can remove that, or somehow make it work automatically with jsConnect?

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