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Error exporting v1 using vanilla2export.php

I am upgrading my forum from v1 to v2
I am getting an error using the export option with Vanilla Porter v1.7
After completing all the required fields, including table prefix I see this...
"The Discussion table is missing the following column(s): DateCreated, AuthUserID, DateLastActive, Sticky, LastUserID
The Comment table is missing the following column(s): AuthUserID, DateCreated, EditUserID, DateEdited, Deleted"
How do I fix this?
I guess you've double checked the prefix, and tried the process a couple of times?
I don't know if disabling active plugins would make any difference.
Worst case, you could probably just add the columns manually to the relevant V1 db tables.
Maybe try to add one manually, and see if the error message for that column goes.
If so, you could then add the others.
thank you - I'm running a standard install so it's frustrating to come up against something like this, especially since there isn't the option to skip over the warning.
does anyone have a v1 backup that they could refer to to see what the 'create' table structure should be?
(one for the discussion table, the other for the comments table)
or is there another method for handling the v1 to v2 upgrade process?
I tried with plugins disabled
For reference I only have five: embed vanilla, facebook, google sign in, openid, twitter
And in my database those missing fields are definitely not present
Hopefully someone will have an idea.
I'm afraid I only started with V2.
Same here. :-(
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maybe this will help. I've never used vanilla 1.
this seems reasonable:
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Thanks peregrine, the first link just tells me to download the export tool, and the second one is the "documentation" for the tool itself, which I have already scoured through and makes no mention of how to deal with this.
I have to admit I'm more used to v1 to v2 upgrade processes being more self contained. I previously started out with the v2 installation, and update, got as far as the "use database" as source only to discover that I was supposed to have previously obtained my v1 export file first. So I reverted my database from a backup and I'm back to square one.
I'm baffled which something that is obviously designed to handle a v1 database doesn't understand it's structure, especially as it's Vanilla to Vanilla.
Solved... it turns out I have an earlier version of v2, but the version number was incorrectly reported as v1. The tool worked when I selected v2 export.
out of curiousity - what did it say in your index.php as regards to version number in you "vanilla1-vanilla2" preupdate version. Perhaps when you updated to version 2 in a prior update you neglected to copy over the index.php, since it usually updates the version in this file.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I have no idea - my brain is in a complete muddle - all I'm trying to achieve is tighten up registration to restrict spammers and one thing leads to another. First of all I install botspot, then cleanser, then cleanser doesn't work, so I have to look at upgrading, upgrading fails, then I revert, then I try again and it gets bonk messages, then I have to figure out how to make bonk messages more meaningful except none of the options worked (debug true, deverror.master.php, error.master.php).
At the moment I think I have v2.0.17.10, with botspot working, cleanser partially working (can't create, but can now view an empty report), bonk messages in simple view but not meaningful.
I have locked down my plugins and can see the spammers are using new email logins rather than twitter/facebook/google etc
My forum posts are 100% spam free. Anyone who has posted can be accredited as being a good guy.
I can think of two ways of solving this:
If I can't solve this then I will have to consider abandoning Vanilla. On other sites I used ikonboard and then Invision Power Board for 10+ years and although they have their faults at least I can lockdown new member activities. I have been using Vanilla for around 2 or 3 years and enjoy having something a bit more slimline but not if it means I can't deal with the spam.
However I really appreciate the help I have been given in this support forum
you posted the message in wrong discussion.
I also suggest you start a new discussion - stating exactly what you want to achieve, with vanilla version after you successfully upgrade.
I thought you solved the upgrade issues. I have no skin in the game as to what forum you use (unless of course you used one of my plugins were thrilled with it and sent a donation), I'm just a volunteer sometime helping, sometimes not. I didn't write the forum software.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Yes, I sincerely hope you understand I very much appreciate the help you've given me