Vanilla-Team: Shouldn't you ban "mega6382" and his stolen addons.

Hi Vanilla-Team,
Sorry, but shouldn't this be your job to ban this user and delete his addons, which are ours and others stolen themes?
That things is a legal issue.
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@mega6382: Sorry "Haseeb Basil" i won't respond to your private messages anymore. It's a ethical guideline you are crossing here. I informed your company about this. You are 15 now and you should step away from those practises.
This will be a important learning for you, think about it now not later.
OK I won't PM you just tell me what do you mean by company? nothing else
Sorry, mega6382. I won't answer to that. Think about what you are doing first.
I think you should not take anything this 'guy' says at face value.
grep is your friend.
@x00: Unbelievable. It's a badly programmed SPAM-Bot of the future. That clears a lot.
mega6382 - Copycat Spam-Bot Warrior [Discontinued model].
what is wrong with you guys.
They own some of the themes and content you posted as the author. Without permission. What you did is not right at all. They have a right to be very angry.
You need to fix this by removing any icons or images that belong to someone else and replace with ones you made.
You need to give proper credit to the real authors of the themes and say where they came from and what you modified if anything.
You need to use icons which are not protected by copyright and belong to someone else.
Please update all your uploads in this way or they will likely be removed.
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well now this is like a mature guy.
I think the issue is the themes he has stolen are all paid themes.
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Yes I understand, however that is too late the deed is done , I suppose another option to make up for it is paying for the themes in question.
However paying for the themes does not give right to claim as your own either.
Nor does it give the right to distribute once you paid.
Ultimately it will be @Todd who will decide what to do with this.
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@tama they are not stolen they are cloned
You mean you copied the css and default.master.tpl ( which downloads when you attempt to view it in a browser; by default ) and then you are passing it off under the same name but for free. Of course this is stealing ( because you are providing a bypass for payment - aka piracy ).
In a nutshell, the stolen themes ( Sugar, Google, StackOverflow ( and maybe Facebook - not sure ) ) should be removed; making the links unavailable and allowing the team at VanillaSkins to continue to use this as a source of income ( because it is their work ). You could make themes under the same name but it should be your work, or based off another free theme ( with attribution ).
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I would hope someone from the Vanilla team deals with this quickly.
It is frustrating that we are a community forum, but no one in the community has the power to act on this sort of thing.
These themes should not be available for free download anywhere, and certainly not on this forum.
This is the biggest issue here. mega is providing people with pirated product . That affects the business of the authors big time. It exposes Vanilla to potential lawsuits for offering pirated add ons to the public. Even though the chances for Google to start a lawsuit against Vanilla for theme infringement, are small, their legal docs state clearly that you can't use the logo or the site design for your self.
It is called Branding protection . These brands choose who they want to be associated with not the other way around.
Best example is music. If I buy a cd and make copies(cloning) then spread those around, that is not legal. You are only allowed one copy for personal use, by law.
So if you buy software including themes, you can only make one copy for yourself but you can't distribute. Not for money not for free.
Every published work by an author is automatically protected by copyright law.
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Saw your changes to the themes, changing the icon does not hide the fact you have stolen the themes
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@tama and others there is no "default.master.tpl" file not even a single "tpl" file the only thing in the theme is "about.php", "custom.css" and some image files. and @vrijvlinder I know the thng I have done is wrong. I should not be doing this and I am sorry for that.
I think everyone is in agreement that mega is out of line.
Don't feed the troll. Don't engage.
Notify those that have power (@Todd, @Lincoln, @UnderDog) and don't respond.
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that still doesn't change the indisputable fact you have stolen the theme
going to follow @hgtonight 's advice and pull out of this now.
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He is not the only one Tama, if there is going to be a clean out then all themes should be checked for this, I know of one other theme called Vanllix which also has the vanilla skins favicon without permission.
The author was told and did nothing about it. There needs to be a theme upload guidelines and rules.
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How could you say the theme is stolen even if the files are not complete. And I am saying myself that the files are taken from "vanillaskins" so I don't think there is any confusion left. Am I right or not?