PostNum with Link?

Is it possible to not only have the counter, but as well the appropriate link to the quote/contribution?
E.g. 'Post 3 of 14' as link so I could use this link as a reference to the comment. Would be helpful for cross-quoting, e.g. in other forums.
Do you see the date/time beside of the avatar? That's a well hidden direct link to the comment.
As @R_J pointed out, the date is a permalink.
However, I modded PostNum to be a link anyway. See the attached patch for details.
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@hgtonight or anyone else - did this mod work for you? I'm getting a blank post URL based on the recommended code.
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didn't try it.
but it looks like a relatively easy debug to see where it fails if at all.
var_dump the $Object and see if it has Url in it.
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it doesn't, that's why i asked the question.
the only way i found to accomplish this is to form the URLs myself. The comment object doesnt have a URL property - and $Object in this context isn't even the Comment, it's the Discussion. Bad use of naming, i know. I should be tarred and feathered.
anyway here is the answer as long as you are using URL rewrites, if not then i dont know how to handle it.
isset($Sender->EventArguments['Comment']) ?
$postURL = "/discussion/comment/". $Sender->EventArguments['Comment']->CommentID . "#Comment_". $Sender->EventArguments['Comment']->CommentID:
$postURL = "p1";
this is brute force method. I don't like it.
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Hmmm... I don't really remember writing this mod.
It seems to always link to the discussion, not the comment.
Any reason you are handling the Post Controller?
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must have been on a binge night. no recall
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'cause it's all about the Posts. Have to handle all controllers that are involved in the display of comments.
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BTW - my revised mod is live on my site. If someone can help me form the URLs properly under all conditions, I'll release an update.
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here's a snippet of the way vanilla does it.
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looks basically the same as my approach. good enough. i'll release it later today.
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thats why I was wondering why you said brute force. seemed reasonable to me.
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it felt as i was writing it that there should be something, somewhere in the object model that provides the permalink url to whatever object you want to refer to. like a GDN_URLMONKEY($MySpecialObject) type method.
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gotcha hbf
still wondering what the value of the mod is, i know someone wanted it, but there is a link or already in the date/time.
or the op had something different in mind - that an autoquote is put in that you click on and it put a link in the new comment that says post 3 of 3
because I don't see a whole lot of value to making post a clickable link other then for people who don't realize date/time is a permalink.
It's always curious when the op never comes back to see comments on their post. granted this is many months old.
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value is low. very low. but hgtonight posted an answer so i thought i'd just put it into the plugin as a gesture of human kindness. then i found out it was wrong. so i got curious as to how best to solve this low value problem. so... here we are.
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Thanks for catching my error!
Like I said, I don't remember writing this at all.
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we've all seen the error in your ways
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now you have to sit and wonder... "what else?"
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