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Auto-Delete Confirm Email Bounces

Is there some way to set the forum to auto-delete a User when the confirmation email bounces back? Is there already a plugin I'm missing for it?
Vanilla (via Softaculous)
The issue I want to resolve: When people have confirmed their email, they become Applicants and are easy to approve or decline. When they have not or can not confirm their email, they are added the the membership list with the role - confirm email, and must be deleted one by onein the dashboard. Excepting phpadmin, is there a way to simply autodelete any attempt to register with a false email address?
use the cleanser plugin
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
It is pretty easy to determine if an email was sent properly through Vanilla. AFAIK, it is impossible to detect if an email was received through Vanilla.
It would require some type of interaction with the mail server.
This leads me to believe that there is no easy way to automate their rejection.
That said, as long as they post have any post permissions, no harm in having a bunch of users in the confirm email role. Then you just routinely empty the role.
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you should write a plugin, or add a cron script if user does not confirm within a certain period of time then delete, And put that in the confim message you send to them.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I get an email every time a confirm email bounces - these have all been spam-bots (of which there have been well over a hundred in a couple days). They aren't actual users. It seems to be a minimum four step process to delete each non-user.
@peregrine has the right idea. When things slow down I'll start getting creative with plugins. Just no point in rebuilding a road that's already there - so best to check first. In the meantime, I'll try that Cleanser plugin.
What happens if I delete the Confirm Email role? Besides the sky falling? Will it eliminate this problem as they can't get a role until becoming Applicants?
You reduce your options to delete large groups of non confirmed spammers.
Probably would have to create some other role to put these people in.
Not really. You ned to stop them before the register, use BotStop , use cleanser to get rid of the non confirmed aka/ConfirmEmail .
Use Registration Restrict Logger to find out who it is and block them.
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
So they'd stay as members, but without a role?
Not sure about that, however the point of roles is to be able to organize users in manageable groups. It helps to have people in roles that permissions can be manipulated as necessary or deleted ...
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
Thank you. The Cleanser plugin worked (well it removed the members, but I still have 18 pages of blankness for the deleted members in the memberlist - I can live with that for now), I couldn't imagine deleting each of a hundred spam registrations one at a time in a four step process every few days. It's just amazing the spam registrations I'm getting but that's another story, for another time.
you need to update your plugins to the most recent versions.
try version check plugin, to ensure you are using the most recent plugins.
see also:
make sure you understand concept of limit and name the table columns correctly in the sql statement in the following discussion and read the threads in discussion.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
It is technically possible, however not all mail servers handle this the same way, and that is presuming it has been sent to a mail sever.
Sure you can can handle auto responders, however this is done outside of vanilla
Do you set up your own mail server?
This is the general principle of how you check the validity of emails
You will get some false positives though.
There are external services such as
Here is an example api
grep is your friend.
Thanks @peregrine. The version checker is added. I upgraded the memberlist plugin as directed (it was the only one out of date) and must have fudged it up as now there are duplicates, but I'll figure it out. I appreciate the assist.
@x00 I guess I just want a setup to deal with the confirm email group like we have for the applicant group (cleanser plugin works for that). Or maybe I'll set something up that deletes people after a couple days as a confirm email status.