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To-do List 1.3

edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
A new extension, based on basecamp's to-do list function. Tnx to immersion for the idea.

Download here: To-do List 1.3

* Datepicker for selecting due date
* Notify user when task has expired
* Make list sortable (like categories)
* Multi role to-do items



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    Why do you need a popup? Why not just replace the textbox with a lil calendar thing? (or add one next to it) Looks nice though.
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    you could use easily a div box that directly below the date field
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    I think this is the bomb: And it would be better if it opened in a floating div, say whenever the input box has focus or whatever.
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    Almost tasty enough to make me want to install vanilla!
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    nicely done.
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    edited June 2006
    Nice work, this is going to make my project collaboration sites much nicer. You're the man.
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    Only two things left for me to add:
    * Datepicker for selecting due date
    * Notify user when task has expired
    * Make list sortable (like categories)
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    your a quick one :P
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    good job! I've just downloaded it and installed it on my forum. Once enabled, nothing changes. is there anything I could be doing wrong?
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    So totally stole my project i was gunna work on. You can repay me by teaching me how you made it.
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    Immersion... this was actually one of the hardest add-ons I've written... It has lots of ajax/javascripting... But I'll write a tutorial soon, how I start when writing an addon. Mark has some good documentation, but I could give some pointers :)
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    edited June 2006
    If I could request a fourth item to your list of 'two' things to add ;-) ... An optional % completed field (0-100%) per item would be helpful for my own needs. My site's users have large to-dos (it's a forum for home so one to-do can take several months. (Or a year in my own case...gotta finish that Cat-5 wiring project one of these days!)
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    edited June 2006
    Nice idea houseinprogress :) I'll see if I can add such a thing
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    edited June 2006
    Ok, I've uploaded a new version!! It includes a date picker and notification when a task expires

    You can change the date format and date separator by editing the default.php file
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    Wow. Even 37signals don't have a due date for their lists!
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    Thats pretty darn sexy.
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    blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    This extension looks really sweet, I've absolutely no use for it but I'm tempted to install it myself, it's bloody ace! Great job Jazzman :)
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    Another idea: Personal (other people can see them) and private (well...yeah) tasks. And maybe group tasks which can be managed by a selected team or role.
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    I was thinking about a personal vanilla install a while back, just for saving wee notes about stuff in different categories, that i could refer to later and search easily online. even more tempting given this extension!
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    the zip seems to be "damaged or currupt"
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