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To-do List 1.3



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    Only just found this extension and it's mighty impressive.

    Next time you have "a few minutes spare" Jazzman, perhaps you could add the ability to create a discussion for a task by the click of a button? It would have all the limitations of roles you just added as well :) This way you could talk discuss a To-do with other people.
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    there is a small conflict with this plugin and Page Manager. PM seems to prevent the To-Do tab from appearing. i got around it by manually creating a new tab in PM to point to the correct URL (/extension.php?PostBackAction=ToDo)
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    I think you probably need to re-sync tabs.
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    thanks minesweeper.
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    I've just installed the todo extension. I've added a to do with a date in the past, but I can't see any notification.

    Where have I to look for the notifications?

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    edited December 2006
    Hi again!

    I've digged a bit deeper into that, and found that GetDueDateToDoItems($UserID)
    return nothing for me!

    If I comment out the line
    $s->AddWhere('t', 'DueDate', '', date("Y-m-d", mktime()), '<=');</pre>

    It find's many tasks! Fine! Changing '<=' to '>' finds tasks too - but future ones! But '<=" doesn't find anything at all! :-(

    I'm using mySQL 4.0.27.

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    I get this:

    A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message An error occurred while retrieving to-do data. Affected Elements ToDoManager.GetDueDateToDoItems(); The error occurred on or near: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'on t.UserID = u.UserID left join LUM_ToDoRoleBlock trb on t.ToDoID = trb.ToDoID' at line 1 For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Documentation website at:

    That sucks. I just got around to install it. Any tips on how to fix this? I went into the role/permissions area and tried to give myself permissions to view/edit/share/etc for this, but none of these options appeared.
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    hmmm does resyncing the tabs to get this to work erase all of there tabs you have created?
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    It shouldnt do but it might have messed up - see the page manager discussions regarding disappearing tabs and make sure you're running the latest version.
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    hmm i just did it anyway, I only reverts main tabs, not ones i made so i just have to redo about 3(I had renamed some tabs)
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    Nice work Jazzman! I'm gonna try it out just to see how the date picker works, as I need this for my project.
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    Just tried to install MediaWiki 1.8.2 and got this message:

    "PHP 5.0.0 or higher is required. ABORTING."

    Could this have anything to do with my problem?
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    Yep. That was the problem. I am no longer having the issue now that I upgraded my PHP. Thanks.
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    edited January 2007
    OK, been messing about with this extension as I can see it being of use to our target audience (maybe, though not essential) My main gripe is that when I'm using it, the side panel only displays 'start a new discussion' and the 'about vanilla' footer. This is a problem which appears on practically all extensions, in some way or another. I'd like my panel to be the same as other areas of my forum when I'm using the to do list, so that I can easily navigate to elements on the panel without first having to select discussions in the tab just to bring me back to my side panel.
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    Idea: The reminder notice has the wording - Your task "task name" has expired, then link to complete. What about instead of wrapping the task name in quotes it is a link? That way, you have the option of viewing the task by clicking its link, or completing it. Also, the word "complete" perhaps should be cahnged to "done" (past tense of do) Just an idea!
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    shoud it be that anyone can change this list. I want it so everyone can see what i am working on and known bugs in the website, but not have them be able to add things. I have people spamming the todo list with "change my role to admin" and i am the coolest, and i am the admin and even i cannot delete it from the list. Its this the intended pupose, to have every telling what I am supposed to do?
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    "The error occurred on or near: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'on t.UserID = u.UserID left join LUM_ToDoRoleBlock trb on t.ToDoID = trb.ToDoID' at line 1 " i've got the same problem like garvin. is there any other way to fix this? upgrading my php from 4.4.1 to 5.x.x means paying more money :/
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    @Jazzman: thank you for yet another excellent extension! It is already quite good, however - if I may be picky - for the To-Do to be truly "shared" between everyone in a certain role, in my view it would be more logical for all in that role to be able to also EDIT it. Right now, if I 'share' my to-do with others of a certain role, they are able to see it, tick it off as 'done', but not edit it. That feels a bit odd to me. It is also odd that the other people in the role cannot see the deadline date attached with the to-do. In practicality, this means, that if others in the same role want to change the wording or the date related to the to-do item, they can't. They have to tick that to-do off, and then add another ('corrected version') of their own. This creates mess and confusion in the to-do list of everyone. My suggestion is, that in order for you to make an absolutely IDEAL To-Do list, all you would need to do is specify, for each role, whether you give EDITING as well as VIEWING permission! Once again, many thanks for a great contribution - and keep up the good work!
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    GAH!!!!!!! PRIVACY ALERT PRIVACY ALERT! Upgrading made all the previous prive to-dos public! And there were some funny ones, like "beat up (another forum member)" "Bitch about not being a moderator" etc.
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    edited March 2007
    [-Stash-] wrote: Jazzman, perhaps you could add the ability to create a discussion for a task by the click of a button?
    This would also make it similar to something like an Upcoming Events extension. Also, not far from that would be a user birthday reminder. Things my users and I are dearly missing. It would also be a nice feature to be able to specify how far in advance you would like to be notified.

    As an aside, I wish I had the coding skills of the masterful Jazzman. Weren't you going to compile some companion notes to Mark's extension-writing documentation to help those less gifted? Though, I don't know when you would have the time.
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