Dissapearing "activity" page from the menu

hi friends, recently i asked a css question about dissapearing the textbox sections from the activity page.
thanks to these friends i managed what i wanted to do.
but removin the markup in it's source, brings some problems with it. when i remove it form the source or from the css, the user's profile break down and profiles seem weird (because activity section in profile page is also dissapearing)
you can ask me why you are trying to do that..
firstly i should say that our native language is very different from indo-european languages, the problem is our grammatical structure, the notification senteces, posted in "activiy page" seem so unnatural and artificial that certainly lower the site's quality, it is such an interesting matter is that you can not fix it in the local files, because of the grammatical differences (lots of suffixes and prefixes) the translation always seems unnaturel, so i refrain to put long sentences in system
the other reason my users are not used to it , they sometimes ask me "what is this page for ?"
i cannot give a proper asnwer because me too, i dont know properly
last reason, minimalism, you know, i want it to be more simple, means only forum part is enough for us ...
now my question is; How to dissapear the "activity" button from the menu, ?, the page should stay live but just vanish,, i tried the cms plugin which let us costumizing the menu section, but unfortunately, with this plugin you can hide and select all the page except of "activity" ,
could someone please show me the way dissapearing this link from the menu ? with php or with any other alternative.
thank you.
Do you have a default.master.tpl view file in your custom theme?
If so, remove any references of
in it.Search first
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i have default.master.php not .tpl
and {activity_link} doesn't exist in it,
but i meet that part about the activity link
$this->Menu->AddLink('Activity', T('Activity'), '/activity');
There was an error rendering this rich post.
should i remove this line ?
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