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[Van2Shout] cannot change colors in 'big city' theme*

This discussion was created from comments split from: Changing the Text Color.
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I'm using the default smarty 'big city' theme, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to change the text color. I tried adding the codes above to my 'custom_bigcity.css', but nothin doin.
It's better that you do not kick year old topics...
You need to add those codes (from the previous thread) to your 'custom.css'
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@jackulator you can figure out how to change the font colors by using firebug or a web inspector, it is not easy due to that is refreshes but it can be done....
You can try this line , not sure what part of the texts colors you want to change. But some of the styles are inline styles and are located in the views folder of the plugin discussionscontroler.php
There are several versions of this plugin which one are you using?
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Well the problem is that the color of the background of the shoutbox with this theme is such that the text (not the names, whose color you can set in the dashboard) is too dark to be easily readable. So to fix this problem I'd either need to change the background of the shoutbox, or the text (not the names).
But there's no plugin called 'discussionscontroler.php', and since I thought you might have meant the theme I looked in the views folder there but there was no discussionscontroller.php, with or without the missing 'L'. So I went looking through all the folders for vanilla and found a folder that had two files that looked like they might be what you were talking about -- one 'class.discussioncontroller.php' and one 'class.discussionscontrolLer.php', in the applications/vanilla/controllers folder. But looking inside it didn't seem like the place to post your code, which looks like CSS.
I will of course try your recommendation about using a web inspector, but I figured I'd ask if anyone else knew first, because I'm not very good at all of this yet, obviously.
I'm using 1.052 of the Van2Shout plugin, and the default placement in the sidebar.
I believe the file @vrijvlinder is referring to is:
You put all CSS declarations in your theme's custom.css file.
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ahh okay thanks HG -- I found the file. I just don't know where to put the code vrij told me to put in. did I mention I'm borderline retarded?
by coders' standards anyway. to be sure.
I pasted in his code into the file you pointed me to in the only area where I did a find for 'van2shout'. and it didn't work. so I'm drawing a blank, is I guess what I'm saying.
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try pasting the code above in your custom.css change the color to whatever you need see if that works.
the .van2shoutscroll is the content box where the text of the chat shows up , you can change the style.
ul#shoutboxcontent is the list inside
li img font strong , is the line for font style of the text in the chat box
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there is no custom.css for the 'big city' theme, and as I said in my first post, I added the code to the custom_bigcity.css and uhh -- "nothin doin"
so why don't I just go ahead and not worry about this anymore. thank you for all your attempts to help
Have you tested these changes using firebug or some web inspector? That is a good way to find the best place to add the code. You may even be able to add it as inline style within the plugin .
If you provide a link to your forum and make me a test account I can go look at it further. There is nothing that can't be done if you know where and how....
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Ok , I have looked at the problem and it is not the shoutbox per say it is the style of the Boxes that is affecting the shout box. To fix the font color find this in your custom_bigcity.css, I changed the font color to something lighter , below. Copy this or change what is there to this.
this will make the gallery background the same color may look better
Just as I was able to see this in the the web inspector to give you the solution , so can you. Please practice so you can do it on your own , it is very easy.
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