[Solved] Database Error

I run a forum using a version of Vanilla 2.0.18 (I can't find exactly which; it was installed a few months ago). The image attached is the error message that comes up when I try to load it, and the exact same error message was generated when I tried to open up a brand new install of Vanilla I created this morning using SimpleScripts (it's the only way I know how to install currently; I downloaded the files for a custom install but don't know where to take that next to as no on-screen instructions are coming up). An additional and likely related issue is that SimpleScripts no longer shows my list of software installs with the versions and updates except for the latest created today.
The database error happened right after my hosting provider did some server upgrades yesterday. They've been unable to come up with a resolution other than to suggest the problem may be related to their PHP upgrades and to check whether the latest version of Vanilla is compatible with PHP 5.4. Inasmuch as I can tell after searching the community archives here that should not be the issue but I could be wrong. I am not a developer and don't fully understand how databases are generated, nor how to upgrade them if that's what needs to be done.
I realise this may not be a Vanilla issue per se, but I was hoping someone more knowledgeable would be able to interpret the error page and give me some direction on what questions to ask of my hosting provider as I am stumped on what to try next. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Thanks much,
PS. On a completely unrelated note and just FYI, I could not remember my password earlier this morning and when I requested it be resent I never received email notification even though the on-screen pop-up messages suggested it had been sent. I tried creating a new account under a different name and the same thing happened with the verification email; I never received it. I am getting my other emails just fine so I don't think the problem is with my account.
Look inside the config.php and collect the info for the database user name database name use password etc. Copy the stuff in a notepad. Find the database associated in mysql and check tht the password is the same if not just change the password and change it to that in the config.php
also check the permissions while you are there. If it won't let you change the password, then it has to do with something the host did .
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Thanks so much, vrijvlinder. I did find the password and it is set correctly - the database user password and the password in the config.file are the same (the only way I could seem to make sure of that is by changing it and then changing it back). I continue to get the same error message, unfortunately. I am considering switching hosting providers at this point though I can't be sure the data base will transfer seamlessly to another install either...
To clarify... does "PHP 5.4.18" as mentioned at the bottom of the error screen refer to what's on the host servers (which they tell me is 5.4) or to the vanilla software itself? If it's the former, is it possible the vanilla software isn't compatible, or is that simply not the issue?
It seems to be an MySQL issue. Look at that link and try if it helps you: http://www.fast2host.com/knowledgebase/438/MySQL-41plus-using-the-old-insecure-authentication.html
Your version of Vanilla is You should update to
It is the version the server is running. As far as I know Vanilla works with it fine.
If you do switch host provider, check them out first. I use FatCow and they have been good since 2005 for me.
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That's helpful info, thanks vrijvlinder. I won't switch in a hurry but I think it's time to start looking at other options... I will check out FatCow.
I've made several more calls to my host tech support and no one seems to be able to pinpoint the issue; changing the password did not make a difference. The last person I spoke with concludes that Vanilla 2.0.18 must be incompatible with php 5.4. I can't find conclusive documentation on this either way - has anyone else run into a compatibility issue?
Sorry, I didn't notice your reply until now.
I should update the version but wrapped into the issue is that I can't get access to that option on my cpanel. Also, I did do a test install of the latest version and it is getting exactly the same error message so that doesn't seem to be the core of the problem.
Thank you for the link. I tried a similar suggestion I pulled off another site earlier and failed but the syntax was different so I will give this a go also.
How did you do a test install?
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Using SimpleScripts, and the version is shown at the bottom of the error page that comes up when I try to load it: http://amaiadreams.com/ForumTest/.
As I mentioned in my initial post, I did download the files for a custom install from the Vanilla site but don't know what to do next to install them to my server, if I can just drag and drop to a folder on my webdisc or not, and just didn't have the time to look into that yesterday.
Did you follow the directions in the error code or the article @R_J linked?
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Yes, I tried but I got an error message saying I don't have permission to do this. I phoned my host to make sure I was using the proper admin tool (I tried this from somewhere within phpAdmin); they reset the password for me but it made no difference. I haven't had an opportunity to look for the my.cnf file or figure out what password flags look like and how to remove them - doing this off the side of my desk and the pieces that are new to me take me a while to get my head around...
When you reset the password, you must copy it into the config.php.
You could try to create a new user for that database and give the new user admin privileges see if that works. Then change the user name and user password in the config.php to match.
Another alternative is create a new install. In another subfolder, and see if that works.
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I did check that it matched, but thank you for the reminder as I might have forgotten that.
The new install had the same problems, unfortunately. One of my community members just alerted me that we're back up and running so either tech support or the powers of random worked some magic. I would prefer to know how exactly it got fixed in case it happens again, not that I am complaining :-).
Thanks all so much for your input and expertise. It's much appreciated.
you are welcome although we did not do much that I know of, except get you to become more familiar with the installation
I truly suspect it had to be a host issue. This can happen when they update something or even update the database. My advice to deal with hosts, threaten to go elsewhere and that you will complain to the better business bureau etc. They will say they don't offer support for third party software etc. So just tell them that the issue is not the software but it has to do with how they set up owner user permissions and their server. To look into it asap.
The proof is in your second install which also did not work. So I suspect they may have noticed this and finally took action to fix it.
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Nothing wrong with becoming more familiar :-). They did follow up with an email just now and the problem was exactly as the error message stated, as others here pointed out, and as I tried to point out to them on the phone last night - that the data base password needed to be changed to an updated format. A bit frustrating, but thankfully yesterday's problem, and hopefully it will stay that way for a long while :-).