Quick Question - How to change from "Users name" to "Username"

kirkpa31kirkpa31 ✭✭
edited August 2013 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Screenshot is below - for the life of me I cannot figure this hopefully simple thing out. I've looked through dashboard and vanilla files and tried multiple $Definition sequences in my locale.php file.



using Vanilla v.


  • look inside the views folder for dashboard/views/registerbasic.php

                echo $this->Form->Label('Username', 'Name');
                echo $this->Form->TextBox('Name');
                echo '<span id="NameUnavailable" class="Incorrect" style="display: none;">'.T('Name Unavailable').'</span>';
  • Thank you! - but I still cannot see where to go from there to change the text...

  • edited August 2013

    that is where it would be if it was wrong, another place would be in your theme if it has other views or if you are using a plugin that replaces that view.

    Or if it is in a locale file which I doubt because User Name is standard. It is only a label for the form so look for label that says what you want to change and change it manually.

  • Thanks again. I've checked the BotStop plugin but that is not proving effective yet -- i'll keep looking around now that I know there is no simple locale.php term I could throw

    Thanks @vrijvlinder!

  • edited August 2013

    you can see what file it is in using a web inspector. Click inspect element and then look at the file path for that page then go in and change that. Looks like a typo.

    Try this one , not sure it applies to the form though...

    $Definition['ConnectName'] = 'Username';

  • I suck at this apparently

    I hear what your saying and I'm assuming it's easy - but I only know how to use inspect element to edit CSS based on it...I will try to learn how to view a file path to get to the exact page.

    Thank you

  • Give me the link to the page and I will tell you , use chrome web inspector or safari web inspector then click or hover around until you find the right button to see the path , it is easy actually . I will make a screen shot so you see...

  • edited August 2013

    Here I am using Safari web inspector. On the left is the list of resources , in the middle the code and on the right would be the css and also the file path depending which you clicked to see..

    I am looking at the registration page of one of my forums. The file is entry.js another place the typo may be ...

    notice the highlighted part , it has to do with the form and the username etc. Look in there and see if the typo is there.

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited August 2013

    There is no Users Name in the core, apart from anything else it should be User's Name.

    Please check you default locale for $Definition['Username'], you might have it is there twice. If you can't find it you need to use a toll such as grep to search for Users Name

    grep is your friend.

  • @vrijvlinder said:
    Here I am using Safari web inspector. On the left is the list of resources , in the middle the code and on the right would be the css and also the file path depending which you clicked to see..

    I am looking at the registration page of one of my forums. The file is entry.js another place the typo may be ...

    notice the highlighted part , it has to do with the form and the username etc. Look in there and see if the typo is there.

    How would that help? Be careful about leading down a garden path.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00

    Yes , my specialty right? however ....He is looking for a typo somewhere in the code in any file that has to do with the registration page form to find the typo and fix it if it is a typo. He said he did not know how to look at the resources and see what files are being used , I provided a method to find them.

    Garden ->Garden Path ->find the files->find the typo :)

  • Sorry for the delayed response - had to hit the sack here in ET....but I can't believe I didnt try that in my locale @x00 - that simple $Definition['Username'] worked - I was over thinking it apparently.

    And @vrijvlinder - you're the best - thank you for being even more persistent than I was for this.

  • Yes, well based on what you posted

    tried multiple $Definition sequences in my locale.php file

    I assumed you tried it and looked for it and did not find it there , and since I'm pretty sure you have hacked the core based on your past posts, I figured it must be a typo since you say you did not find it in the locale.php

    I've looked through dashboard and vanilla files

    I thought you were looking for other files associated with the reg form that could contain those words to look for the typo.

    Glad you found it :)

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