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Where is this data located in the database shows the user data for a recently registered user, including a spammy link. I got hit by a few dozen of these and am looking for where this data is located in the database, so that I can purge these folks, but looking through the various tables, I can't find the data.
Could someone point me to the right table so that I can identify these folks?
If you delete the user, you can remove their posts with them. That is in the activity table, it is a special type of post called a wall post (the most frivolous type IMO).
I would make user profile hidden to guest, it make it less attractive to spammers.
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Well, yes, I can delete this user trivially. What I'm looking for is to identify the other 100, 1000, or whatever, users that I haven't yet identified, which have this same pattern in their bot-created accounts.
Thanks, @hgtonight
Also, if you are running, remove the Activity.View permission from guests (as it also allows posting to the activity wall).
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GDN_Activity contain different types of activity. You want wall posts containing links. You would need to join the ActivityType table to the Activity table On the ActivityTypeID (or simply look it up). Then search for the pattern.
You can delete the post directly out of the activity table, but that wouldn't delete the users.
Best avoid directly deleting entries from the User table it is better to update by changing the Name to
[Deleted User]
insert some random string for Password, and set Deleted to TRUE.grep is your friend.
@x00 I agree it is best to go through the models to avoid corrupting your tables or orphaning data.
@rbowen check out my Bulk Edit plugin to quickly delete multiple users through the dashboard. This will let you use the
page to search/sort on different criteria and remove them (and their content if desired)./shameless plug
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