About "RandomImages" plugin
I have a question regarding this plugin : "RandomImages". I see it shows any images he finds on the forum. But can I specify a certain folder where he can take the images?
I have a question regarding this plugin : "RandomImages". I see it shows any images he finds on the forum. But can I specify a certain folder where he can take the images?
The short answer is no. I wrote the Random Images plugin for a user that had a specific need. He wanted to show images from discussions in the sidebar. Since it scrubs the discussion model, there is no framework in place to read images in from a folder.
The long answer is yes. You could modify the plugin to do it. I would suggest you look in to a plugin like Galleries by @vrijvlinder. It can be used to load images from a folder.
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Ok. So, for this function, I may need another script, right? I like the plugin and I was wondering if that's possible.Thanks for your answer.
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when you post a question about a specific plugin - it would ge great if you post it under the plugin discussions - it is easier to find and better ettiquette.
precisely. hard to fathom for the non-coder. that it takes time and monetary support for plugin developers could get more plugins for the community, as well as premium (pay as you go) plugins.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Wise advice. Thanks peregrine. I'll see what I can do with only one of those.