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Members do not get to post

Hi. I logged in as a test member, but posting gets thrown around. I get a permission problem "you don't have permission to do that" when I try to post as a member. Administrators and staff no problem. But not members. I posted a screenshot of it. I checked the Roles and Permissions for members and there's another screenshot. I checked custom category permissions, but nothing wrong. The three screenshots are attached.


  • If you want to see for yourself, try logging in as username: 'ProblemLogin' and Password: 'demo1234' and see things as a member. Who knows? It could be a problem with me! But probably not.

  • So what are the permission differences between staff and members?

    Do a comparison and one by one try the permissions and see if you can post a discussion.

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  • @hgtonight This discussion can be closed now. I reinstalled Vanilla and now all is well.

This discussion has been closed.