Does anyone know of a freelance designer/dev for customizing my vanilla forum?

Hi all
I need my forum page to look like my WPsite so users can not tell they are on a different site. My layout is pretty simple and a good CSS wiz should be able to do it. I cant launch my site until this project is completed. Any help appreciated. Email me Jen(at)


Best Answers


  • Sites not live yet, Im running the latest version of Vanilla. I can set up a temp logon acct in the meantime

  • TamaTama ✭✭✭

    If you pm the links to the site or even screenshots :) , I'll see what I can do.

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Sites not live yet:
    Anyone interested in doing the job email me jen(at) and I'll give you an temp logon to view the site. Also I attached my homepage to view. I just need vanilla forum to have the basic layout as the home page.

  • WP 3.6.1 and vanilla 2.0

  • I just got spammed by someone at vanilla hitting on me....very mature thanks alot! Not professional at all. I was just looking to pay someone for an honest job!

  • @jens1seo

    How do you mean you got spammed by 'someone at Vanilla'?

    PM? Email? What was the message? How do you know it was from someone at Vanilla?

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited October 2013

    @jens1seo said:
    I just got spammed by someone at vanilla hitting on me....very mature thanks alot! Not professional at all. I was just looking to pay someone for an honest job!

    public email will always get spammed

    scrapers don't find it hard to parse emai(at) Moral of the story don't make public your email.

    if someone on the site is harassing you I'm sure the mods will sort it out.

    grep is your friend.

  • Thanks x00, I forward it to hgtonight. Your right it could have been scraped. What pond scum makes a living scraping forums and selling dating services. Get a real job loser!

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