Using Troll Management to handle trolls
Trolls are a big thing on forums now and they are turning into the worst things your forum could ever have! Never fear, Troll Management saves the day! Troll Management allows you to "Ignore" trolls, which works like this. When you ignore a user as a troll, they are invisible. They eventually leave the forum because they are not getting attention. Troll Management also has a Shared Account module. If I log into ilovetech and ilovetest a lot of times from the same IP, Shared Accounts will add a Shared Accounts box on my profile with ilovetest on one of the entries in the box, and on ilovetest's profile, ilovetech is an entry on ilovetest's Shared Accounts box. That was just an example and there are a lot more things you can do with Troll Management. This is just at the tip of Troll Management. I have attached a ZIP with Troll Management inside. Upload it to your /plugins folder and enable it.
Here is the link to the Troll Management plugin files on the official Vanilla Forums GitHub:
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Yes, I would have did the official GitHub link, but as I see it: There is no way as I see to download that folder directory only. If you want to download the whole thing,
Sorry for the trouble. I'm sure I'll learn
Correction to the Original Post is where to download the files. Unfortunately, as I see it, there is no way to download the Troll Management folder itself, so you will have to download the whole thing as a ZIP, extract it, and navigate to the plugins folder and the Troll Management plugin inside the plugins directory
The irony is thick sometimes.
BTW - there are several plugins to handle trolls. I'd love to test them out, but I have no tolerance for trolls so I've never had any on my site. For shame, seems like something I'd enjoy resolving.
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Watch for a PM @hbf