How to translate "New Discussion" and how to set locale

Kemat1anKemat1an New
edited November 2013 in Localization

I'm trying to translate the New Discussion Button and the by text as you can see in the screenshot. I've already tried to use this: $Definition['New Discussion'] = 'Nuova Discussione'; and $Definition['by'] = 'di'; into site_core.php without luck.

Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


  • hgtonighthgtonight MVP
    edited November 2013

    Welcome to the community!

    What version number of Vanilla are you running?

    Try using $Definition['Start a New Discussion'] = 'Nuova Discussione'; for the button and $Definition['Most recent by %1$s'] = 'di %1$s'; for the text. The text may also be $Definition['Started by %1$s'];.

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  • Are all already translated, but still the same. I took the translation en-CA from Transifex and traslated the entire User-end to italian language. BTW, I'm using the version 2.4 forked from Github...

    Anything else?

  • Check your theme for view overrides.

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  • Okay, I found where the theme take the button: echo Gdn_Theme::Module('NewDiscussionModule', $this->Data('_NewDiscussionProperties', array('CssClass' => 'Button Action Primary')));

    There is any suggestion to translate the Vanilla NewDiscussionModule ?

  • The new discussion module on the master branch uses the translation code T('Start a New Discussion', 'New Discussion') which means placing $Definition['Start a New Discussion'] = 'Nuova Discussione'; in your /conf/locale.php file should override it.

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  • KasperKasper Vanilla Staff

    The "New Discussion" translation is currently borked for some reason and cannot be properly translated. I first ran into the issue with one of our German clients but haven't had time to hunt down the cause yet.

    Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub

  • @hgtonight said:
    The new discussion module on the master branch uses the translation code T('Start a New Discussion', 'New Discussion') which means placing $Definition['Start a New Discussion'] = 'Nuova Discussione'; in your /conf/locale.php file should override it.

    No luck...

    This is my actual conf/locale.php:

    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
    $Definition['New discussions in the last day'] = 'Nuove discussioni di ieri';
    $Definition['New discussions in the last week'] = 'Nuove discussioni della scorsa settimana';
    $Definition['Post Discussion'] = 'Crea Discussione';
    $Definition['Tips'] = 'Suggerimenti';
    $Definition['new discussion'] = 'nuova discussione';
    $Definition['Start a New Discussion'] = 'Nuova Discussione';
    $Definition['New Discussion'] = 'Nuova Discussione';
    // Last edited by Kemat1an 2013-11-07 10:25:29

    And still the same...

    @Kasper said:
    The "New Discussion" translation is currently borked for some reason and cannot be properly translated. I first ran into the issue with one of our German clients but haven't had time to hunt down the cause yet.

    I hope that we could find a solution together for this.

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